Indian stray dogs | DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Tag Archives: Indian stray dogs

How To Domesticate Indian Stray Dogs?

How To Domesticate Indian Stray Dogs

The first step you need to take is to ensure you are ready to make the commitment necessary to domesticate the stray dog. Do you wish to succeed as a pet parent? Then you would have to be responsible, which means taking care of their well-being. You must devote time …

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Stray Dogs Killed, Hung Upside Down On A Pole In Kerala

Stray dogs killed

Stray dogs killed again! Recently, the activists in Kerala protested against stray dog menace in the state. They walked on the streets of Kottayam district with five dead dogs hung upside down on a pole while raising slogans against state and central government for not curbing the stray dog menace. …

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Stray Dogs At Marina Will Be Getting ID Cards Soon

Stray Dogs At Marina

Chennai: Stray dogs at Marina beach might get their own ID, along with a photograph and identifying marks if the animal activists have their way. The animal activists have started to adopt dogs at the beach as a part of a pilot project that aims to eradicate stray dog menace …

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