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Tag Archives: Indian Dogs

22 Dog Breeds That Easily Get Along With Kids

22 Dog Breeds That Easily Get Along With Kids

Kids love dogs, and they usually force their parents to a pet. Being a parent, you must understand that dogs are the best pet a kid can have. They can teach them many life skills, such as responsibility, punctuality, etc. They also learn to trust and love unconditionally from their …

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6 Home Remedies for Dog Ear Infection

6 Home Remedies for Dog Ear Infections

If you are a pet parent, the issues of their ear infections must have bothered you a lot! Ear infections can be painful. When moisture and debris get clogged, especially in floppy ears of dogs like Doberman, Basset Hound, Beagle, etc., it can cause infections. Even dogs with hairy inner …

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How to Potty Train a Dog In-House?

How to Potty Train a Dog In-House

To housetrain your dog or puppy, you need consistency, commitment, positive reinforcement, and a lot of patience. The goal is to develop good hygienic habits and build a loving bond with your pet. Mostly, potty training a puppy can take 4-6 weeks. But in some cases, it may even take …

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7 Basic Commands Used to Train a Dog

7 Basic Commands Used to Train a Dog

Keeping a dog is a joyful and rewarding experience. But for you to fully enjoy your pet’s companionship, it must be well trained. A badly trained dog is a burden on you, your family, and your neighbors. So, when you get a new dog as a puppy or as an …

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Dogs Getting Embarrassed: Is It for Real?

Dogs, like dolphins and elephants, can express a plethora of emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, frustration, and even embarrassment. Dogs are sensitive and self-conscious and demonstrate embarrassed-like propensities. Dogs, in general, feel shy and emotional, but their feelings are much more complicated than an average human’s reaction. Here is …

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What are the Safest Dog Flea Treatments on the Market?

If you have dogs as pets, you probably must know that where there is a single flea, there are likely thousands more. Fleas do not take long to multiply into a fast-spreading infestation. While fleas are not as dangerous as ticks when it comes to transmitting diseases, your pet could …

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The 5 Best Dog Breeds For Families

In today’s world, many families are incomplete until they add a dog. Children and adults alike find that dogs make their lives better. Dogs provide unconditional love and they offer companionship for people of all ages. When you are ready to add a dog to your life, you should not …

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Signs Your Dog Is Dehydrated

In the tropical and subtropical regions, dog dehydration is a common problem. It results from not consuming enough water and electrolytes or losing too much fluid. Some cases of dehydration can be serious and require immediate veterinary attention. If left untreated, dehydration can cause serious organ damage or even death. …

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