New Beginnings for Dogs Rescued Amid DC Animal Cruelty Investigation | DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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New Beginnings for Dogs Rescued Amid DC Animal Cruelty Investigation

New Beginnings for Dogs Rescued Amid DC Animal Cruelty Investigation

Recently, more than 24 dogs were rescued from a home in the US after a 13-hour standoff between the police and the dog’s owner, who is serving an animal cruelty warrant. Few dogs have even found new homes.

A recent 14th February incident went viral all over local media in the nation’s capital and was even mentioned by the White House.

The suspect, accused of mistreating and breeding his pets, barricaded himself into his southeast Washington DC home. He also tried to fire the officers who were trying to arrest him, injuring three in the process.

Once he was taken into custody, a Humane Rescue Alliance team found 31 canines, including 20 adults and 11 puppies, inside the home with bite wounds and injuries.

As per the court documents, the dogs were “living in their waste,” with neighbors “complaining of the [odor] of urine and [feces] coming from the house.”

Officials of HRA, who investigated the abuse allegations, took the animals out of unsanitary living conditions and provided them with proper shelter.

The dogs, all American Bullies or ‘some mix thereof,’ range from two months to many years old, as per the organization. HRA on Saturday thrilled the local dog lovers with a huge adoption drive.

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