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Dog Stories

The Most Incredible Dogs from Mythology and Folklore

The Most Incredible Dogs from Mythology and Folklore Piasa

It is not unusual to find dogs in mythology and folklore. They were widely revered and seen working as companions to heroes and gods, and at times they were depicted as foreboding and creepy creatures that stalked during the night. Vigilant, Loyal, and diligent are qualities that dogs possess or …

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How Are Dogs Related to Hindu Mythology?


Animals occupy a special place in Hindu culture. From the Vedas, we understand that the gods, human beings, and animals have a relationship, and they are interdependent. Hindu Puranas, folk tales, and legends vividly mention that when Brahma created animals, he signified their importance to humans. He hid a secret …

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Popular Ancient Myths Regarding Wolves and Dogs

Popular Ancient Myths Regarding Wolves and Dogs

Wolves and dogs come from the same ancestor. They are loyal to their masters and thus featured constantly in various mythologies worldwide and revered in many of those as well! So, let us look at some of the most talked about ancient myths regarding wolves and dogs. You would find …

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The Most Prominent Dogs in Greek Mythology

The Most Prominent Dogs in Greek Mythology

Dogs have always been a prominent part of Greek mythology. According to the ancient texts, they acted as loyal companions to the goddesses and gods and the heroes of the mortal world. Canine heroes, as mentioned in Greek mythology Argos The first name that comes to mind is Argos, the …

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Why You Should Love Doodle Dogs?

Why You Should Love Doodle Dogs?

High-spirited and full of energy, Goofy and naughty! A Doodle is full of features that’ll leave you swooning over them. Bred with the poodles, Doodles are loved by people irrespective of age and gender. Over the years, doodles are bred to be family pets, and we favor this new trend. …

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The Fascinating Life of a Police Dog

The Fascinating Life of a Police Dog

Law enforcement dogs are the canine heroes of police or search and rescue organization. But how does a career-driven pup actually make it into the service? Read on to find out how these brave dogs are learning how to keep us all safe and secure. How Long Have Dogs Been …

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