largest dog website in India | DogExpress
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Tag Archives: largest dog website in India

Is Your Dog Having A Fever?

dog fever symptoms

A dog’s normal body temperature fluctuates between 99.5-102.5 Fahrenheit. If the body temperature goes above 103.5 ° F (39.7° C), it can be considered a fever. You should note that fever is not some disease but a symptom of an underlying cause. The cause could be a viral or bacterial …

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Indian Celebrities and Their Pet Dogs


Dogs are one of the cutest and most lovable pets in the world. Human’s love for dogs started from a much earlier era. Dogs are considered to be the first domestic animal by humans. Moreover, dogs play an essential role in our lives. In this busy and stressful life, human …

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How to Crate Train Your Dog?

Crate training is not a one-off thing. It might take you some significant amount of time before your dog or puppy is fully trained. Crate training requires a lot of patience as it is something that might take days or even weeks. Is crate training really necessary? Well, some pet …

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9 Huge Dogs That You Won’t Believe Are Real

World's Huge Dogs Images

Ever been in a situation where you couldn’t believe your eyes on what you’re seeing? Well, be prepared to witness some jaw dropping dog breeds that grow HUGE… And when we say huge, we really mean it! 1. Like this Dog! 2. Is that a Lion?   3. She Likes …

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Questions Your Dog Would Like To Ask You

Dogs love to communicate with us, whether it’s a slight tilt of the head or a curious, tongue-dangling smile. They are always trying to ask us interesting and insightful questions. Here’s a list of questions that your dog wants you to answer: 1. “Sniff… Sniff…What are you eating?” 2. “Do …

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Dogs Getting Embarrassed: Is It for Real?

Dogs, like dolphins and elephants, can express a plethora of emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, frustration, and even embarrassment. Dogs are sensitive and self-conscious and demonstrate embarrassed-like propensities. Dogs, in general, feel shy and emotional, but their feelings are much more complicated than an average human’s reaction. Here is …

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Things To Consider Before Getting A Puppy

Dog Grooming Basics

If you love dogs and thinking about adopting, rescuing or getting a puppy then you need to ask yourself this question, are you ready for a commitment like this? There are many things that you have to consider before you plan to get a puppy. From adapting to a new …

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