Dog food | DogExpress - Part 3
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Tag Archives: Dog food

Foods That You Cannot Share With Your Pet Dog

Dog Health Care Tips

People love their pet dogs and treat them as their own kids. They like to share everything with them. However, sharing sweets with your dog is not a good idea, especially candies and chocolates. You can give them sweets if you know what kind of sweets would not affect them …

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10 Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make

Mistakes Dog Owners Make

Guest post! Being a dog owner means a life of fun, loyal companionship for millions of people–but it can also mean a learning curve. Living with and caring for a pet can be challenging until you get the hang of it. Many dog owners make some common mistakes that can …

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How To Help Your Dog Gain Weight?

How to help dog gain weight

Is your dog underweight or losing weight? There might be many reasons behind dogs losing weight. The most common reasons include depression, anxiety, genetic conditions, digestive disorders, etc. Without identifying the cause of weight loss, many pet dog owners start feeding their pets in excess to make them gain weight. …

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What diet can you give to dogs according to Ayurveda?

When it comes to Ayurveda, “when” and “how” we eat become more important than what we eat. However, eating naturally and right is still imperative to ensure a good digestive process. In fact, good digestion is the paramount factor that determines the doshic balance. So, it is incredibly important to …

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Do’s And Don’ts Of Adopting A Puppy

Adopt a Puppy

Guest post! Adopting a puppy from a shelter is a great idea. There are so many abandoned dogs just waiting for a loving home. It is a much better idea than getting a dog from a puppy mill. Often rescue shelters are overcrowded and if puppies aren’t adopted, they can …

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IIT Students Come Forward To Help Stray Dogs

Stray dogs

A group of students from IIT-M have taken responsibility of sterilizing stray dogs in the campus due to the recent wildlife deaths in the IIT-Madras campus. The group calls itself – Friends of Animals, and is helping the institute implement the animal birth control (ABC) programme which will target sterilization …

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Bone Treats Could Be Deadly For Dogs, FDA Says

bone treats could be deadly for dogs

“Bones aren’t a great treat for your dog, says FDA (US Food and Drug Administration).” Everyone wants to pamper their dogs. They usually give treat to dogs to pamper them. But if you’re doing so with bone treats, you’re actually risking its life. The US Food and Drug Administration has …

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