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Tag Archives: Dog food

The Truth About Can Dogs Eat Oranges

Dogs Eat Oranges

You may wonder if all vegetables and fruits are safe for dogs or not. Well, the answer to this question is no, they are not. This list does not include oranges. Veterinary doctors say that dogs may have them, but only in small quantities. The thing with oranges is that …

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Is Breed-Specific Food Better for Dogs?

Is Breed-Specific Food Better for Dogs?

Do you have a purebred dog? If yes, you must be looking to get them the best diet for their breed. The thing with dog species is that all of them are unique in their ways. A German shepherd and a Labrador stand different from each other, just as a …

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12 Foods That You Should Give to Your German Shepherd

Seven Helpful Tips for Increasing the Lifespan of an Alsatian Dog

If you own a German Shepherd, one of the most important things to know is its feeding requirements. What can you give to your German Shepherd? Moreover, what does it like to eat? German Shepherds are known for their devotion and willingness to do anything for their owners or trainers. …

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Do Dogs Need Protein Rich Food?

17-Point Checklist for Choosing the Perfect Dog Food in 2024

A healthy balanced canine diet must include protein as it allows the dog’s body to function effectively. The amino acids present in protein help build muscles, skin, nails, tendons, hair, ligaments, and cartilage. It also assists in blood formation and hormone and enzyme production. The protein helps maintain normal body …

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What Should a Puppy Eat – All About Puppy Food

What Should a Puppy Eat? - All About Puppy Food

There are a lot of plans to make when you are about to welcome a puppy home. Among them, selecting the right puppy food is one of the most important. Growing puppies have high nutritional requirements. Hence, their dietary needs can be achieved with a blend of protein, fat, and …

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