dog allergies | DogExpress
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Tag Archives: dog allergies

Common Food Allergen Sources in Dogs

Most Common Food Allergens For Dogs

Just like human beings, there are chances that dogs may encounter dog food allergies. They can get food allergies from various sorts of ingredients, even from premium foods. Nowadays, it is easy to find high-quality foods for dogs due to the unlimited stock and varieties available in markets. But still, …

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Dog Allergies: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Dog Allergies Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Are you worried about allergic reactions in your dog? Are you wondering how to heal your dog from allergens? In that case, you must always start the treatment process with antihistamines. It is the most basic way to get relief from such a problem. If your dog suffers from allergic …

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How To Clean Your Dog’s Ears?

How To Clean Your Dog’s Ears

One of the most overlooked parts of the dog’s body is the ears. It is quite imperative that you check and clean your dog’s ears on a regular basis. You will be amazed to learn that one of the leading reasons for taking a dog to a vet is an …

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5 Ways To Prevent Allergies In Dogs

You may have heard that humans are allergic to dogs, but did you know that dogs can suffer from allergies as well? It is not unusual for our furry little friends to suffer allergic reactions due to pollen, mold, dust, etc. Dogs’ immune systems can get irritated due to sudden …

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Home Remedies To Treat Your Dog’s Itchy Skin

Dog’s Itchy Skin

Is your dog suffering from itchy skin? We have found some effective home remedies to treat it. Here are 4 easy and effective home remedies for your dog’s itchy skin: Add plain yogurt to your dog’s diet Plain and probiotics yogurt can help fight any unwanted bacteria in your dog’s …

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5 Dog Grooming Basics

Keeping your dog well-groomed is a lot harder than you think. It’s not just about getting your dog to smell and look good. It is about keeping your dog medically fit too. Similar to people, dogs also need physical maintenance to look better. Fortunately, dogs do not need to bathe …

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Most Common Allergies in Dogs

Similar to humans, dogs also get allergies when their immune system is compromised towards certain allergens. Skin allergies are one of the most common types of allergies in dogs. Sometimes it is hard to determine the cause behind an allergic reaction and you can’t always avoid the cause. However, you …

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