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Tag Archives: cute dogs

12 Cute And Most Adorable Small Dog Breeds

12 Small Dogs That Are Among The Cutest And Most Lovable Dog Breeds

It is not at all surprising that the smaller dogs first come to our mind when making a list of the most lovable dogs because these appear to be more adorable than the bigger dogs, at least at first sight. Small dog breeds are cute too and can make it …

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Questions Your Dog Would Like To Ask You

Dogs love to communicate with us, whether it’s a slight tilt of the head or a curious, tongue-dangling smile. They are always trying to ask us interesting and insightful questions. Here’s a list of questions that your dog wants you to answer: 1. “Sniff… Sniff…What are you eating?” 2. “Do …

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Top 10 Cutest Dog Breeds to Keep as Pets in 2024

There are 195 canine breeds registered with the American Kennel Club. Some are ferocious, some are athletic, some are perspicacious, and some are Cutest Dog Breeds. If you’re looking for a furry companion that pleases you with its adorable disposition, read along. Top 10 Cutest Dog Breeds to Keep as …

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Study Show Dogs Can Sense Bad People

Study Show Dogs Can Sense Bad People

Studies have shown that dogs can sense bad people who are hostile to their owners and hold a grudge against them. Sometimes it’s may seem dogs refuse to take treats from anybody who refused to help their owner. As per a leading study, dogs use their keen sense of smell …

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9 Funny Dogs Who Love Water

Dog love water

In the scorching heat of summers, swimming feels like heaven – Doesn’t it? So, why should humans have all the fun? Here are some funny dogs who love water too: #1 Geared up and ready to swim    #2 Checking the water level   #3. Sunglasses are for girls…?? #4. Oops …

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10 Dogs Stuck In Awkward Positions

dogs stuck

Let’s put a smile on your face! We have compiled some images of awkwardly stuck dogs, captured just at the right moment. Don’t worry all the dogs were freed and fine. 1. I was so excited to say hello that I got stuck!   2. Yes, we dug our way …

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Adorable Pet Dogs Making Guilty Faces

Adorable Dog with Hilarious Guilty Face

Dogs are the best thing that has ever happened to us. They love us unconditionally but sometimes, they can’t control their fantasies and try to act them out by ripping, shredding things and making a mess in the house. They do feel guilty later! Here is a compilation of 12 …

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These 9 Tiny Puppies Will Surely Melt Your Heart

Cute Puppy Pictures

There are only a few things in this world that can melt people’s hearts and one of them is these tiny puppies… Am I right? Everyone loves puppies. So to kick the weekend off, here is our cute collection of 9 tiny puppies that would definitely melt your heart and …

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15 Funny Dogs Goofing Around

Okay, you have seen the intelligent side of dogs, how well trained they are or how well behaved they seem but what about their goofy side? Below are some GIFs, where you get to see their goofy side. Enjoy! 1. Just watch me jump! 2. I will watch this movie …

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What Dogs Really Mean When They Cross Their Paws

Here is a cute collection of 10 dogs with crossed paws! Find out what they are trying to say with this gesture: 1. “Can’t you see I’m reading this?” 2. “Seriously? You are going to wear that to work?” 3. “We Corgi’s like to relax this way!” 4. “Where did …

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