Prachi Monga | DogExpress
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Prachi Monga

Tips And Tricks For Camping With Dogs

Camping and hiking with dogs is a wonderful outdoor experience for dog owners. Today, Instagram is flooded with pictures of people camping or hiking with their pets. It would be a nice chance for your dog to be outdoors with you. If you’re planning to take your pet for the …

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Dog Coughing: Types, Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

Cough Caused due to Physiological reason

The reasons why is my dog is coughing so much? can be broadly classified into three patterns: Physiological reasons, Accidents Illness We humans sometimes get sick of drinks in the trachea and cough when we catch a cold, and so do dogs. It is important to look closely at your …

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How Can Pets Boost Your Health and Well-being?

“Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” ~George Eliot Furry friends not only offer fantastic company, but they also teach us compassion and offer unconditional love. After a long, stressful day at work, getting greeted by an overexcited four-legged friend can reduce your …

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11 Amazing Facts You May Not Know About Dogs

Dog Facts

Dogs are really cute. They are adorable and are known as man’s best friends for their faithfulness and friendly qualities. You must have heard many incidents where dogs have really helped humans and at times, even saved their lives! Having a pup at home ensures that your kids are in …

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5 Mistakes Local Pet Business Websites Make

Having an online presence is necessary for the success of the business, and the pet industry is no different. You must go online to take your brand name to a wider audience. There is numerous pet business in the world, trying to compete with each other, along with internet giants …

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Understanding Why Dogs Growl at Certain People

Why Does My Dog Growl At Some People And Not Others

Dogs are alert creatures by nature and tend to be highly loyal to their owners. So if they notice someone new or fishy around their owners, they growl and bark to alert them. There are different types of growls that you can notice. A growl could mean other things. It …

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How To Teach Your Boxer To Stop Jumping On People?

How To Teach Your Boxer To Stop Jumping On People

Whether it’s Boxer pups or dogs, their jumps are powerful. If they jump on children or seniors, they can cause physical harm. An adolescent or adult Boxer can even plow over just about anyone. You must understand such dog behaviors carefully before training them unless they jump on people out …

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