10 Impressive Tricks You Can Teach To Your Dog (With Pics)
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10 Super Impressive Tricks Any Dog Can Learn

10 Impressive Tricks You Can Teach To Your Dog (With Pics)

Having a dog at home is happiness. Dogs and any pets being around are also a different feeling. But have you ever imagined dogs that can follow commands? That sounds great, isn’t it?

Training the dogs with great tips and tricks will give them a happy mind and a strong body. It’s a common misconception that training dogs are a difficult task.

They can learn the tricks easily and quickly if you give them the best training and regular practice.

We have rounded up the easiest and the best dog training tips to teach your dog. Read on to know them.

Prep the Dogs Before Starting A Training Session:

Before starting the training session, ensure that the dog is healthy enough. If the dog is senior or has any medical conditions, it’s better to start the training after consulting the vet.

  • Before starting the training session, start with simple exercises. It will help them to be focused. Instead of hard exercises, choose simple exercises or take them for a brisk walk.
  • Schedule the training sessions when they are active and two hours before the mealtimes.
  • Encourage them with treats they love as a reward when they pick up things fast.
  • Avoid lengthy and hectic training sessions, as they get bored and tired and lose interest. It’s best to start with five to ten minutes of training initially.
  • Be friendly and patient with the dog during the training sessions. Make the training sessions fun for the dogs and equally enjoyable for you.

Here are the best tricks to teach the Dogs

Once the pre-training session is over and your dog is ready for the training, you may teach new tricks. Some of the best dog training tips are listed below;

  1. Kiss

Most dogs already know this well and show their love with kisses daily. But here, you will teach them how to kiss by following the instructions. For training purposes, you may require sticky tapes and some yummy treats they love.

  1. Shake Hands:

The “shake hands” are the easiest and the simplest tricks to teach and easy for the dogs to learn. Dogs tend to paw at you naturally; when a closed handful of treats are offered, they are forced to paw at your hands, this time repeating the command” shake hand.” After practicing for some time, they will learn it quickly.

  1. Bark:

Dog barks- but here, the trick is to teach them to bark when you command. This trick is tough and takes little time for the dogs to grab.

Read Also: Best Puppy Treats For Training

  1. Bow:

Again, this is pretty easy to teach and for the dogs to learn because most of them naturally bow while playing. To teach this trick, train the dogs to bend forward into the bow position.

  1. High Five:

This step is pretty simple but cute to see. Learning this trick depends on the dog’s posture and weight distribution. The dog looks cute with a pretty posture and lifts one hand to give a cheering high five.

  1. Hug:

A hug from a loved one is a joy; imagine it from your pet. This trick is where; the dog will put their paws around and give a cute hug.

To master this trick, understand the pace at which your dog is willing to learn. This trick is easy to teach if your dog already knows the pretty sit trick. Though it seems a bit tough, your dog grabs it easily if you train them regularly.

  1. Stand on back legs;

Though it seems challenging, the dogs will pick up the trick fast with consistent practice. If they can learn, hug and shake hands, this trick is not that difficult for them to learn.

8 Roll Over:

Roller over is a bit advanced compared to the previous ones as it includes a few steps. Teaching it one by one with special treats will make them learn the trick with interest and quickly.

Read Also: How to Use Food & Treats in Dog Training

  1. Fetch & Give:

Dogs take this as a game, and they enjoy it a lot. All you need is a toy or a cute ball they love; you throw it in a direction, and the dog has to fetch it and give it back to you.

Be patient enough as initially, the dogs hesitate to give the stuff after picking. Encourage them and give them time to learn the trick of handing over the things to you.

  1. Sit pretty:

The dogs generally learn this trick without any training sessions. This pose is quite common; dogs usually do it when they need food. These are great for small-breed dogs. This pose helps the dog balance and strengthen the core muscles.

Teaching various tricks to your dog is fun. Encouraging them with their favorite treats, giving them ample time to master them, and following the right dog training tips makes the training task easy and fun for your pets.

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