Demand for Labradors in Bengaluru Increases After 777 Charlie Release | DogExpress
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Demand for Labradors in Bengaluru Increases After 777 Charlie Release
The image, taken from the Times of india, shows the relationship between a dog and its human in 777 Charlie Movie.

Demand for Labradors in Bengaluru Increases After 777 Charlie Release

Breeders say there has been significant demand for female Labrador Retrievers, as the movie ‘777 Charlie’ starring Rakshit Shetty shows the lead character’s relationship with one such dog.

The recent Kannada movie ‘777 Charlie’ Release, which revolves around the relationship between a dog and its human, has attracted more people to buy pet dogs, especially Labrador Retrievers. The Kiranraj K directorial starring Rakshit Shetty shows the relationship between the lead character and his pet dog.

The Indian Express spoke to numerous pet sellers who said they had experienced an increase in sales after the release of the movie. However, Rakesh, who breeds dogs in Indiranagar, says, “We only get inquiries for female Labradors, no males. Otherwise, customers mainly ask for Pomeranians or Shih Tzu, not any other breed.”

Another breeder, Sam, says, “We get more inquiries for Golden Retriever and Shih Tzu in general, but after the movie, there has been an increase in searches for Labradors as well over the past two weeks,

777 Charlie

‘777 Charlie’ is a pawsome film with a wave of emotions

Owner of Aubree Pets, Mathew, says: “There have been quite a few inquiries for Labradors since the movie released, but I haven’t taken any orders since I stopped the business a few years ago.” People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India has appealed to the public to refrain from supporting breeders and pet stores, most of which are not registered with their state animal welfare board and are thus illegal.

 PETA India reminds fans that as per the film’s plot, the dog depicted in 777 Charlie, escaped a cruel breeder before ending up on the streets. “When a certain dog breed is highlighted in the media, whether a pug by Vodafone or a Labrador in 777 Charlie, people flock to purchase that breed while keeping desi dogs languishing in shelters or on the streets,” says Sachin Bangera.

PETA India vice-president of Celebrity and Public Relations. “PETA India urges movie fans who have the time, patience, love, and resources to welcome a dog into their home to adopt, not shop.” Animal shelters in the US reported a sharp increase in the number of Dalmatian dogs found dumped after many were given to children as gifts after Disney’s remake of the movie 101 Dalmatians.

A few years back, there has also been a spike in the number of huskies being left or handed over to shelters, which experts attribute to the raised demand for the breed as of their physical similarities to the dire wolves in the fantasy television series Game of Thrones.

Moreover, portrayals of specific dog breeds in films and television shows – including Legally Blonde and Men in Black – have reportedly caused huge increases in sales of the featured breeds. Still, unfortunately, many of these dogs are later left at shelters by their ill-prepared guardians, said PETA.

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