7 Beneficial Herbal Nutrition To Improve Dog's Diet
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Boost your dog's diet 8 healthy herbs for dogs

Herbal Nutrition for Dogs: Enhance Your Canine’s Diet with 7 Beneficial Herbs

To keep yourself healthy, you may use herbs to prevent usual sickness. However, you may need to be aware of its beneficial effects on canines. Majorly, dog owners prefer customized food for dogs and believe them to be enough for their health. However, it is a misconception. Dogs require composed food as well.

You may add various herbs to your dog’s diet according to seasons. For example, in summer, you may add some parsley and basil to your dog food. Herbs improve your dog’s dietary system and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Before giving any herb-related diet to your dog, always consult your vet first. The guidance of the pet is significant in choosing the ideal herb, which acts as a supplement. Unfortunately, this supplement has some hidden content that is harmful to health.

Both types of herbs are available in abundance. Some are healthy, and others have side effects on your dogs. So, knowing the herbs’ details before using them for your dog is essential.

Let us discuss these wonder herbs for dogs in detail.

1. Turmeric 

The first on this list is turmeric. It has a lot of potent qualities to consider. Turmeric has been used in Indian cuisine for ages as a flavored item. But many need to be made aware that it has got medicinal usage. It has some hidden content like the following:

    • antimicrobial,
    • anti-inflammatory, and
    • antioxidant.

It also increases bile flow and protects the stomach and liver. Thus, help treat health issues like maintaining stomach alignment, disinfecting wound, detoxifying, and even treating conditions like diarrhea and arthritis.


Generally, the turmeric the vet prescribes is one-eighth to one-fourth teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight. You can consult your vet about the perfection of dosage and usage instructions for your dog. Turmeric also works as a blood thinner, so excess usage harms your dog’s anticoagulation process.

Also, excess usage can develop bad situations like iron deficiency, nausea, gallbladder issues, dizziness, constipation, bruising, and stomach upset. For dogs suffering from kidney stones, turmeric is not recommendable.

2. Parsley

For your dog’s diet, always remember to give curly parsley. It should be fine-grain in size. Parsley contains the toxic element furanocoumarin. Hence, excess usage or overdose can be harmful. On the other hand, a small amount of parsley becomes healthy for dogs. Parsley is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, and vitamins A, C, and K.


Other benefits of parsley for dogs include -breath freshener and stomach soother. In addition, it works as a toxin remover from the kidney. However, it is not recommended for the dog suffering from kidney stones. The recommended dosage is half a teaspoonful per 10 pounds of body weight. 

3. Coriander

This leafy green herb contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. The essential minerals offer multiple health benefits, including thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, folate, potassium, and zinc. In addition, the active compound inside this herb is an anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, antibiotic, and antifungal agent with various benefits.


It helps in controlling blood sugar levels and the absorption of calcium. The good news is that it is not a harmful herb for your dog. So you can use it without any hesitation. The best dosage is one-sixteenth to one-fourth of a teaspoonful spattered on food.

4. Basil

It has the following properties beneficial for your dog- antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, and antioxidant. In addition to minerals, it contains elements such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin E. In addition, the presence of beta-caryophyllene makes it a useful anti-inflammatory herb. So, it has a good effect on arthritis and bowel inflammation.


A few other beneficial effects of basil are below:

  • It helps in the reduction of stress and anxiety. Thus, it is helpful for an anxious dog.
  • It helps in the immunization process in the cell to prevent cancer.

The dosage contains one-eighth to one teaspoonful spattered with food.

5. Echinacea 

A few effects of this herb are as follows:

  • It relieves upper respiratory tract infections, the common cold, and the flu.
  • It improves the immunity of the body. Hence, it helps reduce any inflammation and itching. It comes in handy as a home remedy for health issues that arise due to weather changes.
  • It works well to cure urinary tract infections.


6. Dandelion 

Dandelion contains essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, manganese, and zinc. It also has vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin D, and vitamin B. They prove to be effective in digestion and liver function.


If you use its leaves, you must chop it well; if you use its root, make it a good powder course. Use 2 to 3 times a week and mix it well with food. Otherwise, your dog can become sneezy.

7. Mint

Various types of mint plants are there. However, not all are known for their usage as medicine and aroma. It contains vitamins A and C. Also, it offers minerals such as calcium, copper, folate, iron, niacin, magnesium, manganese, riboflavin, zinc, phosphorus, fiber, and antioxidants.


They can reduce gas, and relieve vomiting tendencies, thus providing a soothing solution to indigestion issues. Moreover, it has a radio-protective capacity. It helps to reduce radiotherapy side effects in the case of a dog suffering from cancer. However, for GERD and hypoglycemia, giving mint to the dog is not advisable.

Be cautious about its dosage. Better to consult your vet before giving this herb to the dog. The general dosage is unprocessed leaves – only half to one teaspoon per day; dried form – one-eighth to one-fourth teaspoon daily.

Read Also: Peppermint for Dogs: Weighing the Pros and Cons


Incorporating these seven healthy herbs into your dog’s diet can significantly benefit their health and well-being. Boost your dog’s nutrition with the power of herbs and help them thrive. However, it is essential to seek advice from your veterinarian before implementing any significant dietary changes for your dog.


Q: Can I give herbs to my dog without consulting a veterinarian?

A: It’s always recommended to consult with a veterinarian before introducing any herbs or making significant dietary changes for your dog. They can provide personalized guidance based on your dog’s needs and health conditions.

Q: Which herbs are safe for dogs to consume?

A: Several herbs are considered safe for dogs, such as parsley, ginger, and chamomile. However, it’s essential to research each herb thoroughly and consult a veterinarian to ensure they suit your dog’s circumstances.

Q: How should I administer herbs to my dog?

A: Herbs for dogs can be administered in various ways, including adding them to their meals, making herbal infusions, or creating herbal treats. The ideal method will depend on the specific herb and your dog’s preferences but always follow the recommended dosage guidelines.

Q: Can herbs help with specific health conditions in dogs?

A: Certain herbs have been known to assist with specific health conditions in dogs. For example, turmeric may help reduce inflammation, while peppermint can aid digestion. However, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian to determine the appropriate herbs for your dog’s condition.

Q: Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with herbs for dogs?

A: While herbs are generally safe, there can be potential risks or side effects depending on the spice and the individual dog. For example, some herbs may interact with medications or cause allergic reactions. Always consult a veterinarian to ensure your chosen herbs are safe and appropriate for your dog.

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