Watch: Dog Attempts to Solve a Puzzle and Win Treats! | DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Watch Dog Attempts to Solve a Puzzle and Win Treats!
Image Credits: Twitter/@buitengebieden

Watch: Dog Attempts to Solve a Puzzle and Win Treats!

Recently, a captivating video surfaced online, shared by the page @buitengebieden. In this video, a woman is seen holding two cups, one of which contains dog treats. The clever canine carefully observes as the cups are shuffled. With keen attention, the dog selects a cup, expecting to find a treat inside. To everyone’s amusement, the dog initially picked the wrong cup. However, the intelligent pup swiftly changes its choice to claim the well-deserved treats.

You can watch the delightful video of this smart dog in action here:

This heartwarming clip was shared on November 1 and quickly captured the hearts of viewers, amassing nearly 20 million views and garnering numerous likes and comments. People couldn’t help but express their admiration for the canine’s intelligence and the joy dogs bring our lives.

Here’s what some viewers had to say about this adorable moment:

– One person shared, “I love dogs! They bring so much joy!”

– Another viewer commented, “The expression at the end is priceless.”

– A third observer remarked, “I love how focused the dog is while the cups are being moved around.”

– Another commenter marveled, “What a incredibly clever puppy!”


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