how to train a dog | DogExpress
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Tag Archives: how to train a dog

How to Make Your Dog Smart?

How to Make Your Dog Smart

Every one of us wants our dog to be smart. At times, dog owners are astonished by their dog’s smartness. With time, they realize that their dog is smart enough to learn the lesson soon. The truth is an early training session with consistency. A bit of dedication and effort …

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How to Train a Dog to Walk on a Leash?

Best friends. Dog owner with a pet in the park. Pets and animals concept

How do you train a dog to walk on a leash? Teaching this skill is quite easy if you are regular with training sessions. This basic skill is essential since it is an important part of housetraining your pet. By training your dog to walk on a leash, you will …

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How Training With Your Dog Will Strengthen Your Bond

bonding with your dog

Guest post! Dogs have the unique ability to understand and pick up on human emotions. We see dogs getting excited when their humans are excited – and vice versa – all the time. This emotional sensitivity is part of the reason why dogs and humans can establish a deep bond …

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Basic Skills That Your Dog Needs To Be Taught

Basic Skills That Your Dog Needs To Be Taught

Guest post! Training a dog is a critical aspect of owning a dog; it is a lifetime process for dogs as they keep learning every day of their lives. Dogs are natural creatures that are eager to learn and also heeds to correction. Training a dog can be quite stressful …

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