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Tag Archives: dog lifestyle

How To Teach Your Puppy To Swim?

Believe it or not, all dogs are not born swimmers. Some puppies need help to learn swimming. If you are wondering how to teach your puppy to swim, here are some things you can do. Learn about your dog’s breed Some breeds, like Golden Retrievers and Spaniels, love water and …

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How Can Pets Boost Your Health and Well-being?

“Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” ~George Eliot Furry friends not only offer fantastic company, but they also teach us compassion and offer unconditional love. After a long, stressful day at work, getting greeted by an overexcited four-legged friend can reduce your …

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11 Amazing Facts You May Not Know About Dogs

Dog Facts

Dogs are really cute. They are adorable and are known as man’s best friends for their faithfulness and friendly qualities. You must have heard many incidents where dogs have really helped humans and at times, even saved their lives! Having a pup at home ensures that your kids are in …

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5 Easy Tips On Grooming Your Dog At Home

A well-groomed dog not only looks great but is also much healthier and happier than other unkempt dogs. That’s why as pet owners, it’s our job to maintain our dogs’ hygiene and keep them looking prim and proper. Professional grooming sessions can be quite expensive and time-consuming and it’s also …

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Foods That You Cannot Share With Your Pet Dog

Dog Health Care Tips

People love their pet dogs and treat them as their own kids. They like to share everything with them. However, sharing sweets with your dog is not a good idea, especially candies and chocolates. You can give them sweets if you know what kind of sweets would not affect them …

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Summer Safety Tips For Dogs [Infographic]

summer safety for dogs

With summers just around the corner, it is time that we start thinking about how to take care of our pet dogs during the hot summer season. Majority of the Indian states experience extreme hot weather conditions starting from the month of April and lasting till July. It is our …

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ISPCA Rescues 86 Dogs From Illegal Breeder In The US

86 Dogs rescued From Illegal Breeder

ISPCA inspectors and the county dog warden rescued eighty-six dogs, including 23 puppies from an unlicensed dog breeder in Roscommon, US on August 3rd, 2018. It’s the most popular dog news in the US.  According to ISPC inspector, the dogs were being kept in very poor condition and taken care of …

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How To Keep Your Dog Safe During Holi Festival

We are all excited to celebrate Holi with our loved ones. However, sometimes during the excitement of the festival, we often forget that our furry friends might not like being colored with Holi colors. The chemicals in the colors irritate their skin and if they lick it, they might ingest …

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