How To Teach Your Puppy To Swim? - DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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How To Teach Your Puppy To Swim?

Believe it or not, all dogs are not born swimmers. Some puppies need help to learn swimming. If you are wondering how to teach your puppy to swim, here are some things you can do.

Learn about your dog’s breed

Some breeds, like Golden Retrievers and Spaniels, love water and naturally take to swimming. But some breeds, such as Pugs and Bulldogs, always need to be supervised when near a water body.

They are not good swimmers and can drown easily. You should also keep in mind that some puppies do not like swimming. You should not force a puppy to go in the water, especially if they are afraid.

dog swimming

Getting them acclimated to the water

You should start small and first target to get your pup acclimated to the water. You can fill a small plastic home pool or bathtub with water levels reaching just up to their leg joints. You can toss your favorite toy in the tub and get in the water yourself. It will encourage the pup to go in the water with you.

As your puppy gets used to the water, you can try the same steps with a big water body. Keep in mind: Never throw your puppy in the water. The sink-or-swim game doesn’t work and could be dangerous for your dog.

Get them a life vest

Similar to children, a life vest can boost your dog’s confidence to get into the water. Dog breeds like Pugs should always wear a life vest whenever you take them in the water.

do you need to teach a dog to swim

Get in the water yourself

This is the best way to encourage your puppy to get into the water. If your pup sees you and your family playing and having fun in the water, it will encourage them to dive in too.

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