How To Move To A New City With Your Dog | DogExpress |
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How To Move To A New City With Your Dog

Almost 88% of the people in the USA (United States of America) regard their pets as integral parts of their family. Hence, it means that whenever they move to a new city for work or leisure, they take their pets along with them.

In the case of dogs, most of them are okay with such transition provided there is no significant change to the social group they are acquainted with.

However, some of them tend to struggle a bit. They miss the old home that they were a part of. At times, such a move means they may have to get used to a new routine.

It could also mean a new schedule for exercises and feeding. It means that your baby would take some time to get accustomed to the same.

If you are planning on moving to a new city or are already done, you can follow some tips to make the process less cumbersome. Following these tips would make sure that your dog would feel at home in the new address pretty soon enough.  

How to Help Your Dog Adjust to Your New Home

Getting the dog used to the new home

Are you moving to a big home? Is there a lot of unpacking to be done? In that case, you should let your little one access only those rooms they already tidied up.

It would make sure that they feel comfortable in those homes. You should start the procedure by showing them where you have placed their water and food bowl. Does your new house have a yard?

Then make sure that they can access the same with complete ease. Try to set up their crate or dog bed in the same room as you sleep. Also, once you start to clean up more rooms in your home, show them around those rooms and make them feel welcome over there. 

Follow a routine 

Are you working a new shift in your new city? Then there is a possibility that your routine may have changed as well, no matter the extent to which it has happened. However, establish a quick daily routine.

Having a fixed daily routine would make your dog feel much safer. Some specific times might indeed change, like waking up and eating. However, you need to ensure no change in the length and number of activities. It includes visiting the nearby park and walking.

There should not be many changes in this regard compared to what your dog is habituated with. In most cases, dogs need at least two good walks in a day. Have you always taken your baby out to walk during the early morning and mid-afternoon?

Are you forced to do it during mornings and early evenings now? In that case, there is not a lot that you need to worry about. You need to ensure that your baby has enough opportunities to walk, jump, run, or participate in any activity that is good enough for their activity levels and age.

These days, you also get GPS (global positioning system) trackers that help you keep track of your baby if they get distracted and run away excessively far. These trackers are small and light. You should be able to find them in almost no time at all.

Help them make new friends 

For people who have children, the first thing they do when they move to a new city is to get them enrolled in school, workshops, extracurricular programs, and activities. These are places where they get a chance to socialize and make new friends in the process.

Social groups are a great way to offset issues people face when they move to a new address. Kids get excited with the prospect of moving to a new home due to all the new things they would be able to do over there.

Experts say that dogs are social animals and enjoy being with their peers. Just in the same way you would take your kid to a park for a play date, you should set up parties for your puppies. You can try and meet new dog owners at the local dog park.

If you have to leave them for hours a day, you can consider putting them up at a dog daycare center.  

Getting treats for your dog 

If your dog is feeling a bit anxious in the first few days in the new surroundings, it would be a good idea to get some extra treats and toys for them.

Show them more affection than you would as this would help them be calm and acclimatize with the new surroundings. Use the time that you spend with them to improve your bonding.

You can work together on tricks. It is a way to make sure you give them the attention they deserve in such circumstances. You can use treats or clickers to reward them and make sure that they are busy even as you are unpacking the games that they would enjoy playing by themselves.

It includes the likes of automatic ball throwers and food mazes. You can always put them up in your yard. Does your dog love to play fetch? You can be sure that they would not be able to get enough of these.

If planning to move to a new city, you may be worried that they may not adapt well to the new surroundings. The good thing about the situation is that dogs are social animals who are happy as long as you – their human – is with them most of the time a day.

As we have said already, you can always make the transition easy for them by setting up a proper routine that they can follow. It would also not hurt to find a great dog park that your baby can frequent from time to time.

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