Foreign Dog Breeds Suffering Due To Heat Wave In Chandigarh
Tuesday , January 21 2025
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Foreign Dog Breeds

Foreign Dog Breeds Suffering Due To Heat Wave In Chandigarh

The number of health issues in foreign dog breeds has risen in Chandigarh due to extremely hot conditions. Most of the pets are coming to the vets with climate-induced sickness.

According to doctors, many of these pets won’t survive this weather without special care!

Veterinarians say that the Chinese Pugs, German Rottweilers, Great Danes, Swiss St Bernards, Siberian Huskies, Italian Cane Corsos, French Poodles, and Bulldogs are having a tough time adjusting to the conditions in Chandigarh. Indian summers can be brutal and cause multiple health issues in the foreign dog breeds, including skin disease and stomach disorder.

Dr. JC Kochar, a veterinarian, and local patron of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Against Animals (SPCA), says the daily average count of foreign dogs at his outpatient department (OPD) has jumped from 20 to 35 in this summer.

“The dogs have skin or digestion problems mostly, because of improper care and change of weather, regular brushing, avoiding wet floors, drinking enough water, and below 20°C environment are a must for dogs from cold climes,” said Dr Kochar.

Dr. MR Singla, Former Haryana animal husbandry department deputy director said, “Foreign dogs that don’t get proper environment become irritated and aggressive. They must have specific nutrition and conditions.”

Reference: The Times Of India

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