dog health issue | DogExpress
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Tag Archives: dog health issue

Your Dog Has An Upset Stomach: What To Do

Upset dog stomach

Guest post! It’s not uncommon for your furry friend to get an upset stomach from time to time. It doesn’t help even if you have been extra careful or did all the right stuff to prevent this. They could still get a bad stomach day for many reasons. I know …

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ISPCA Rescues 86 Dogs From Illegal Breeder In The US

86 Dogs rescued From Illegal Breeder

ISPCA inspectors and the county dog warden rescued eighty-six dogs, including 23 puppies from an unlicensed dog breeder in Roscommon, US on August 3rd, 2018. It’s the most popular dog news in the US.  According to ISPC inspector, the dogs were being kept in very poor condition and taken care of …

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Foreign Dog Breeds Suffering Due To Heat Wave In Chandigarh

Foreign Dog Breeds

The number of health issues in foreign dog breeds has risen in Chandigarh due to extremely hot conditions. Most of the pets are coming to the vets with climate-induced sickness. According to doctors, many of these pets won’t survive this weather without special care! Veterinarians say that the Chinese Pugs, German Rottweilers, Great Danes, Swiss …

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