Dutch Tourist in India Extends Stay to Bring Home Dog
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Dutch Tourist in India Extends Stay to Bring Home Beloved Street Dog
Image Credits: Twitter/@ANI

Dutch Tourist in India Extends Stay to Bring Home Beloved Street Dog

A Dutch visitor to India, hailing from Amsterdam, is departing the country not only with cherished memories but also a newfound furry companion she encountered in Varanasi. Meral Bontenbel was strolling through the streets of Varanasi when she found herself accompanied by a friendly street dog named Jaya. An unbreakable bond formed as Jaya faithfully tagged along wherever Meral went. Despite her initial intent not to adopt the dog, Meral was determined to ensure Jaya’s safety and rescue her from the harsh street life.

A turning point arrived when Jaya faced a perilous encounter with another street dog. Fortunately, a vigilant security guard intervened and saved the day. Touched by this incident and her growing affection for Jaya, Meral decided to take responsibility for securing Jaya’s future. This commitment led her to extend her stay in India by six months to navigate the complex process of obtaining a passport and visa for her newfound four-legged friend.

Delighted and relieved, Meral expressed her joy, saying, “I’m thrilled to finally be able to take her with me. It was a lengthy process but worth it. I have always wanted to have a dog, and I fell in love with Jaya the first time she approached me,” as she shared her experience with a news website.

After completing the necessary documentation, a video featuring the Dutch woman and Jaya was shared by ANI, marking the moment when Jaya received her passport and visa. The caption read, “Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh: A female street dog named Jaya from Varanasi is set to leave India with a proper visa and passport with her new owner from the Netherlands.”

The heartwarming story stirred emotions among viewers, with one user commenting, “Every dog has his day!!!” and another offering their blessings, “Bless you. Jaya will be a source of joy and unconditional love which will fill your heart.” Meanwhile, a third user provided some clarification regarding pet documentation, stating, “BTW there is NO visa, it’s known as Quarantine. Pet passports have owner’s details. These formats of pet passports are available at many pet shops or vet. There is NO official Visa for dogs.”

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