Cops Break Open The Door To Rescue Stranded Dog In Kolkata
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Cops Break Open The Door To Rescue Stranded Dog In Kolkata

Cops Break Open The Door To Rescue Stranded Dog In Kolkata

A stray dog trapped in a four-story building in the Canal Road area of Survey Park was rescued after the cops heard it barking. The security guard of the building informed them about the broken door with plywood and from where the policeman crawled into the building through it and rescued the dog safely.

Animal lover Debabrata heard the dog’s desperate barks and alerted the police on Wednesday. He heard the dogs first on Sunday then on Wednesday he heard it bark again, he looked for the around. When he realized it was trapped in the building, he informed the police about it.

The building has been shut for a while due to the pandemic, and owners live somewhere else.

When the policeman arrived at the spot with other cops, he too heard the dog’s groans. The main entrance was found locked. When they reached the building they tried to contact the owner first, then the security guard.

The guard was at home on holiday and informed them about the narrow opening from where the cops entered, and the dog was rescued safely.

Source: Times Of India

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