6 Tips to Consider for First Time Dog-Owners | DogExpress
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6 Tips to Consider for First Time Dog-Owners

If you are thinking about bringing home a dog, go right ahead!

Having a dog as a pet is a great experience. People who have never had a pet dog are often nervous about getting one because they are mostly unaware of some of the basic things that will help them take proper care of it.

If you too are one of these people, just go through these tips and you’ll be able to bring a pet in your life without being nervous about the extra responsibility:

Tips to Consider for First Time Dog-Owners

1. Arrange a Sleeping Spot

Arrange a Sleeping Spot

Before you bring the dog to your house, you should set up separate sleeping spaces for it. Arrange the spot for it in such a way that it gives the dog its own space to get used to the new environment while also being near to you and other members of the house so that it can get comfortable in their presence. Initially, you can purchase a dog crate and put it in a comfortable dog bed to help it relax.

2. Follow a Routine

Follow a Routine

It takes some time for us to adapt to a new living environment. The same goes for dogs. It’ll take a few days before the dog can get comfortable in your house.

In these few days, you should develop a routine. Allocate a fixed time for its breakfast, walk, dinner, and any other activities. Stick to this routine and avoid making any changes. The regular time periods will help the dog to settle in your home.

3. Make the Right Dietary Choices

Make the Right Dietary Choices

Many first-time dog owners make the mistake of assuming that feeding the pet is a minor task. However, a lot of things need to be considered in order to form a proper feeding plan that does not affect the dog’s health adversely.

Before you take the dog home, make sure that you consult an expert on the nutrition requirements based on its specific needs.

If the dog is already used to a particular brand of dog food and you intend to change it, ensure that the transition is gradual.

Buy only reliable and high-quality dog foods to keep your dog in the best health. If you are thinking, how much will it cost you, stats say that annual expenses for Dog’s food can amount to $259?

4. Go Slow on Socializing

Go Slow on Socializing

Initially, when you take your dog out for walks, try to introduce it to as few people as possible. This will give it a chance to get comfortable around you and other common faces first.

At your house too, don’t introduce the dog to all the members of the family, get each one to spend some time alone with it so that it gets accustomed to them the first few days. If the dog is introduced to too many people right away, it may get nervous.

5. Stock Ticks and Flea Medication

Stock Ticks and Flea Medication

It is quite common for a dog to suffer from an infestation of fleas or ticks on its coat. It causes a lot of discomfort to them. Before you bring it home, you should be ready with a stock of approved medication that will help get rid of any fleas on the dog’s skin. Stock antiparasitic tablets like Nexgard for your dogs.

It’s also advisable that you bathe your dog and brush it thoroughly right after you get it home from the shelter to check if it already has fleas on it. You can mostly avoid this problem if you take care of your dog’s hygiene regularly.

6. Seek Professional Help whenever Required

Seek Professional Help whenever Required

Despite your best efforts, there might be some problems being faced by the dog when it comes to your house. Try to find solutions but if the problem persists after a few days, seek help from an expert immediately.

If you fail to do so and try to do everything by yourself, your dog will be the one that ends up suffering.

It’s always best to take proper measures early or the problems might escalate. You can seek help from a veteran or a certified dog behavior consultant. If you are facing troubles in home-training the dog, you can look for a certified trainer.

Bringing a dog home for the first time can be an incredible experience, for both you and the dog. Keep all of these tips in mind and make sure that you follow them to develop a deep bond with your dog right away.

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