Woman Raising Funds for Her Dog Bailey’s Surgery | DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Woman Raising Funds for Her Dog Bailey's Surgery

Woman Raising Funds for Her Dog Bailey’s Surgery

DENVER (KDVR): Taryn Cortez’s service dog Bailey has an amazing place in her heart.

She said, “Bailey means everything to me,” gently comforting the three-year-old Rottweiler, who helps Cortez as she copes with many health issues.

Cortez said, “She saved me from depression; she can help me walk; she knows when my (blood) sugar is too high or too low.”

Now it is Bailey who needs someone to lean on after tearing a ligament in her rear right leg.

Cortez said, “She’s in a lot of pain; she walks, so she won’t put pressure on her leg it just kind of dangles.”

Cortez leans on her cane as she carefully measures the food for Bailey, then places it in a special spot so her beloved friend can easily reach it without trying to stand for too long.

“I have to bring her her food and lay it in front of her or her water because she won’t move. It’s very hard. I hate seeing her like this,” said Cortez.

The surgery cost for Bailey’s needs will be $3,400 but is not covered by insurance. Cortez, who has a limited income, can’t afford the bill.

“It is so Bailey won’t be in so much pain, I think she deserves to get the help she needs,” said Cortez.

Friends and family set up a Gofundme to support Bailey so she can return to walking by Cortez’s side.

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