Tips To Bathe Your Dog In Winter | DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Bath during winter

Tips To Bathe Your Dog In Winter

If you are a pet owner, you know how hard it is to bathe your dog during the winter season. In fact, it is impossible to get them to the bathroom for a shower.

However, it is necessary to bathe your dog during winters. It is imperative to keep them smelling fresh and their coat clean.

Regular bathing also prevents fleas and other health risks. Here are some tips for the owners who have a hard time getting their dogs to shower in winter.

Tips To bathe your dog during winter

Make sure you have all the essentials such as shampoo, brush, towels, etc. ready in the bathroom before taking your dog inside.

If your dog is scared of going into the bathroom, you may have to trick them with treats to lure them into the bathroom. Make sure to close the door and tie their leash to a hook or the water tap.

Use warm water

If you don’t have a bathtub, use a bucket and fill it with warm water. Let your dog touch the water with its paws to get acquainted with the temperature of the water. Dogs usually like warm water and will be comfortable getting a bath with it.

Bathe your dog early

In winters, the best time to give a bath to your dog is early in the morning. This way, they can dry themselves up when the sun is shining by noon.

Use dry dog shampoo

Use only dry dog shampoo for your pet dog. Take some shampoo and pour it over their coat. Let it sit for a few minutes to soak up odors and oils. You can then brush it away leaving your dog clean and smelling fresh.

Keep your wet dog indoors

Don’t let them wander outside just after the bath. You need to pat your dogs dry before they go out of the bathroom. If your dog has a thick coat, use a blower to dry them up faster. You can also use a thick, absorbent towel to pat dry your dog.

Lastly, give them a treat when they complete their bath. This will condition the dog’s behavior. They will know that every time they agree to a bath, they will get a treat. It will be easier for you to get your dog ready for a bath in the future.

Do you have a hard time getting your dog to bath during winters too? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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