Police Dog | DogExpress
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Tag Archives: Police Dog

The Fascinating Life of a Police Dog

The Fascinating Life of a Police Dog

Law enforcement dogs are the canine heroes of police or search and rescue organization. But how does a career-driven pup actually make it into the service? Read on to find out how these brave dogs are learning how to keep us all safe and secure. How Long Have Dogs Been …

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Retired Police Dog Finds New Home In Mohali

Retired police dog

Recently, a Labrador dog retired from Haryana Police service. Soon, it got adopted by a resident residing in Mohali, Phase 7. After spending more than a decade in the police force, Nancy, a Labrador, who turns 11 on Sunday, was declared unfit for police duty in December 2017. Nancy’s career …

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A Sniffer Dog Killed In Maoist Blast In Jharkhand

sniffer dog

Recently, a sniffer dog of the CRPF’s CoBRA battalion was killed in an IED blast during a search operation for Maoists in the jungles of Latehar in Jharkhand. Sniffer dog killed A Belgian Shepherd named Aminika which was part of a CoBRA unit involved in a search operation to nab …

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Retired Police Dogs Are Up For Adoption In Bengaluru

Police Dogs

Retired Police dogs are now available for adoption in Bengaluru. A notice has been issued by the Karnataka police that allows all citizens of India to adopt a retired police dog. These police dogs are specialized in detecting bombs, stop burglaries, murders and other criminal activities. After retirement, they spend …

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