Randomized Testing for Rabies Exclusion in Dogs | DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Rabies Vaccination for 26 Stray Dogs at Mumbai Airport
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Randomized Testing for Rabies Exclusion in Dogs

The civic body’s newly established monitoring committee has proposed measures to monitor rabies-related fatalities and alleviate associated concerns. The plan involves testing random samples from 10 stray dogs.

Dr. Sarika Funde, the assistant health officer and head of the veterinary department at PMC, clarified that while conducting rabies tests on every dog is impractical due to cost constraints, they will analyze samples from 10 randomly selected stray dogs to assess the virus’s prevalence.

As of this year, there have been no reported rabies-related deaths. Dr. Bhagwan Pawar, the Chief Public Health Officer, stated that the deaths recorded at Naidu Hospital pertain to individuals beyond city limits.

Efforts are underway to enlist more NGOs to collaborate with the health department on sterilization and vaccination programs. The overarching goal is to make the city rabies-free by 2030, reflecting the commitment to public health and safety.

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