Japanese Man Transforms into a Dog Encounters a Real Canine
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Japanese Man Who Transformed Into A Dog Meets A Real One
Screengrab from the video shared by @toco_eevee

Japanese Man Transforms into a Dog Encounters a Real Canine: Watch the Reaction

A Japanese man named Toco gained widespread attention on social media after investing over $14,000 (Rs 12 lakh) in a custom-made collie costume, transforming himself into a canine. A video capturing Toco’s encounter with a real dog has become popular online. In the footage, the genuine dog reacts by barking upon seeing Toco, who attempts to establish a friendly connection by reaching out. However, the dog remains unimpressed, stepping back, barking, and eventually distancing itself from the peculiar scene.

The video is captioned, “Dog’s reaction to seeing a realistic dog costume.”

Toco recently shared images on Instagram of him attempting a Crufts-style agility course in his Collie costume. The pictures depict him struggling with jumps, colliding with hurdle poles. In the post’s caption, Toco humorously remarks, “When you become a dog, you want to try agility, don’t you?” Reactions from Instagram users varied, with some applauding his efforts and others criticizing him.

Addressing misconceptions, Toco clarified in a report by the New York Post in August that he does not aspire to live as a dog. He mentioned wearing the costume around once a week, primarily at home, expressing a desire for transformation and to embody something beyond his identity. The unique garment, crafted over 40 days, enabled Toco to fulfill his dream of “becoming an animal.”

Documenting his journey on YouTube without revealing his identity, Toco disclosed that he harbored a childhood dream of becoming an animal. When choosing a collie, he explained, “I made it a collie because it looks real when I put it on my taste and costume. My favorite is quadrupedal animals, especially cute ones.” Considering the realism and his affection for larger animals, Toco decided on the Collie breed, emphasizing the misleading nature of long-haired dogs when mimicking human figures.

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