Approximately 30% of canine bite incidents in Swachh city have been reported in the recent two months among children under the age of 15.
According to Hukumchand polyclinic’s age-based data, 2095 children were bitten by dogs in January and February this year, out of a total of 7122 dog bite cases registered during this time period.
The officials said that canine bites had been a major problem in the district for the past few years. The statistics are now spread to every age group. In February alone, the area reported 26 occurrences of cat bites, compared to 3394 dog bite cases.
A senior doctor stated that over 3000 dog bite instances are reported in Indore every month, and in the previous five years, there has been a steady increase in canine bite cases.
According to health officials, the area reported over 30,000 dog bite cases last year, making it one of the highest in the country.