Individuals Identifying as Dogs Convene in Berlin
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Individuals Identifying as Dogs Convene in Berlin, Sparking Calls for Animal Control Measures

Individuals Identifying as Dogs Convene in Berlin, Sparking Calls for Animal Control Measures

An incident which is noted to be quite unusual happened on Tuesday. Around 1,000 individuals who self-identify as canines convened at the railway station of Germany’s Berlin Potsdamer Platz for a meetup. They met with mixed reactions online; some expressed curiosity and support, while others criticized and mocked the participants. 

In the viral video of the meetup, attendees were seen communicating by whistling and barking towards each other. 

Watch the video here:

A user commented that these problems are due to an over-desire to flaunt personalities, orientations, genders, etc. A person should act naturally and identify themselves as human, which is more than enough. 

Another user wrote to call animal control and give them their rabies doses. While a third user said if they identify as dogs, why do they wear masks? 

This unconventional canine gathering happened in the wake of the viral fame of Toco, a human in Japan who acquired a $14,000 hyper-realistic suit and is not living out his lifelong aspiration to become a dog. 

What are your thoughts about this? Share with us in the comments. 

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