High Court Approved Guidelines For Feeding Dogs In Delhi
Wednesday , January 22 2025
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Guidelines For Feeding Stray Dogs

High Court Approved Guidelines For Feeding Stray Dogs In Delhi

In 18.12.2010, New Delhi High Court approved guidelines for feeding stray dogs!

We often get asked by many of our followers about the laws for feeding stray dogs as most of the dog lovers face some kind of opposition from neighbors and people while they are feeding stray dogs. So, we decided to share these High Court approved guidelines for feeding stray dogs to encourage dog lovers and help them understand that no one can actually stop them from feeding stray dogs in the locality.

The High Court approved the guidelines for feeding stray dogs submitted by AWBI in 2010, to encourage and let dog lovers keep feeding stray dogs without any opposition from their neighbors or RWAs.

Guidelines for feeding stray dogs

  1.  Stray dogs should be fed at places which are not frequented or less frequented and sparingly used by the general public.
  2. Dogs should not be herded at a particular spot for the purpose of feeding; public causeways, public streets, pedestrian paths and footpaths are to be avoided; common/public areas immediately abutting the entrance to flats/houses must be avoided.
  3. Feeding should be undertaken at a time when the density of human population is minimal; feeding should be under taken more than twice a day and in a hygienic manner.”
  4. In case of an issue, Animal Welfare Board can intervene and elect some places in different localities where dog lovers can easily feed the stray dogs without being worried of the local residents.

It should be noted that feeding stray dogs is both lawful and helpful. The court has guided Delhi police to give protection to animal lovers who want to feed stray dogs.

 “Feeding dogs makes them friendly and easier to handle, and citizens are free to feed dogs in areas to be decided by the Animal Welfare Board,” Justice Jain had said.

Feeding and taking care of the stray dogs is legal and falls under the central guidelines and rules for taking care of animals. It would also help their vaccination and sterilization which would keep them healthy and also keep their population in check.

Download the PDF format of official guidelines here

Order of the Honorable High Court for feeding stray dogs

  1. The Animal Welfare Board of India should identify, in consultation with the Residents Welfare Association, Area SHO and the Animal Welfare Organisation working in that area, the spots/sites, which in its opinion, would be most suitable for the purpose of feeding dogs.
  2. The Delhi Police will ensure that no harm is caused to the, dog lovers or volunteers of Animal Welfare Organizations feeding dogs in these localities provided that they feed them only during hours to be specified by Animal Welfare Board and provided further that as soon as suitable sites for feeding the dogs are identified, these organizations will feed dogs only on those identified sites and at hours specified by Animal Welfare Board.

Source: AWBI Newsletter

Read more: Laws For Pet Owners Living In Society/Apartments

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