Dogs Assemble for a group photo; Best thing on the internet
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Dogs Assemble for a group photo; “Best thing on the internet”

Dogs Assemble for a group photo; “Best thing on the internet”

On May 16, a photograph capturing a remarkable scene on the streets of San Francisco was shared on the popular dog-focused Twitter account, WeRateDogs (@dog_rates). The image depicted an unidentified individual who possessed the ability to gather and arrange a group of ten dogs according to their respective heights, successfully prompting them to pose for a photograph. The accompanying tweet from @dog_rates expressed admiration and delight: “These dogs were spotted getting their picture taken mid-walk. They’re doing so well, and their walker is so proud, and I can’t handle it. 14/10 for all.”

This particular tweet garnered significant attention and got over 130,000 likes. Numerous individuals in the comment section expressed curiosity regarding the dog walker’s methods, pondering how they could maintain the composure of the diverse range of dog breeds.

Twitter user wrote, “He managed to have them stand still long enough to get a picture taken.With all of them looking forward ? Omg. give that group an award!”. A second person said, “Absolutely marvellous. Such good bois and gurls. I really need to know what magic this gentle man did…as I barely manage to make my two boys sit together. ♥️♥️♥️♥️”.

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