BMC's New Rules Leave Animal Lovers Growling
Saturday , July 27 2024
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BMC’s New Rules Leave Animal Lovers Growling, Penalty Up to Rs. 10,000 for Dog Bite

On April 29, the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) passed the BMC (Registration and Proper Control of Dogs) Bye-Laws 2023 in a civic body meeting. They devised a set of rules for pet dogs to ensure public safety.

According to Bye-Laws 2023, dog owners must pay a hefty fine of Rs.10,000 if their dog attacks, defecates in public places, or damages an outsider’s property.

The bye-laws stated that “a dog owner who violates these bye-laws shall be subject to punishment by Registration Authority with a hefty fine up to Rs 10,000 and if the breach persists, then an additional fine will be charged, which may extend to Rs 200 per day, for a maximum of 7 days for the breach continues.”

“The dog can be impounded or detained on any law breach, and the owner will be liable to pay the maintenance charges i.e. Rs. 200 per day to claim the dog. If the law violation continues for more than seven days or the dog is not claimed within seven days, The Registration Authority will terminate the registration, and the seized dog will be sold in an open sale. The dog registration shall be canceled if its owner disregards any of these byelaws at least three times in a calendar year, it was added.

Per rules, animal lovers can only pet two dogs, and BMC registration is compulsory. Also, if someone adopts or brings a dog from out of the city, they must register them with BMC within seven days.

The owners must put a belt around their dog’s neck and hang a plate with a registration number and owner’s address whenever they take their canine friend out.

If owners wish to take their dogs to any show, in that case, informing the BMC office beforehand is crucial to avoid any mishap. Also, owners cannot leave their old pets on the roadside to die, as per the rule.

However, animal lovers are not pleased with the BMC’s new regulation.

“The BMC should set up at least two pet-friendly parks before assessing any fines to pet owners. Pet owners would bring their animals to the places so they could relieve themselves and urinate. The pet owners cannot accept the BMC’s decision, according to People for Animals member Jeevan Ballav Das.

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