Apple Airtag Tracker Reunites Lost Dog with Owner - DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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Apple Airtag Tracker Reunites Lost Dog with Owner
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Apple Airtag Tracker Reunites Lost Dog with Owner

A woman in Florida was able to find her lost dog by using Apple’s AirTag.

By using Apple Airtag, the woman finds her lost dog. Her pup, Rocky, escaped his house, and after a few minutes, she realized Rocky was missing. Although the AirTag is much more affordable than the GPS kits for dogs, Apple discouraged people from using the AirTag to track people or pets.

By Ankita Chakravarti: Apple’s AirTag has proved to be a handy tool for people. Although the AirTag has been used to stalk people many times, it has also helped people reunite with their lost items and even pets.

However, Apple has strictly advised people against using AirTag to track people or pets. That is probably because Apple does not want to be held responsible if anything tragic happens. However, in this case, the woman did not take Apple’s advice. She had attached an AirTag to her dog, Rocky’s collar.

As per Apple Insider, Florida-based Denise could reunite with her dog only because of the AirTag. Her pup, Rocky, escaped his house, and after a few minutes, she realized Rocky was missing. “I went to take the trash out, and I think he just escaped when I took the trash out,” owner Denise Huertas said in a video. But then she quickly recalled that she had put the AirTag on her dog’s collar.

One of the workers said, “I ran and got my phone; when I looked at the location, the location said about 20 minutes away,” she said. Denise noted that someone found Rocky and brought him to Orange County Animal Services. “This was actually a first for us. We’ve never really seen this level of technology,”

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