A Woman in Lucknow attacked by Dogs in A Housing Campus | DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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A Woman in Lucknow attacked by Dogs in A Housing Campus
Lucknow woman injured in dog attack (ht)

A Woman in Lucknow attacked by Dogs in A Housing Campus

On Saturday, a 27-year-old woman was attacked and badly hurt by stray dogs on the premises of an apartment building complex on Kursi Road.

“Smriti Sakhya, the victim of a dog attack, recalled the incident, saying: ‘When I was attacked, I shouted for help. By then, the dogs had scratched my face. I was saved as people ran for help.’

Sakhya showed her jacket, which had been torn apart by the dogs.

The residents of the apartment reported that this was the third dog attack to occur on their campus in the past month.

Previously, a 14-year-old boy and a 40-year-old woman had also been attacked and suffered injuries.

The woman had to be hospitalized, according to the residents.

Vivek Sharma, a local resident, said that the woman had been attacked by stray dogs while out for a morning walk in the complex compound.

Vivek Sharma, a resident of the building, stated that dogs have attack occupants of the building on several occasions, with women and children being common targets.

Sharma said that when complaints are made about the attacks, the dogs are taken away for sterilization but are then brought back and released in the same location.

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