9 Puppies Rescued From A Tied Polybag In Mohali | DogExpress
Saturday , July 27 2024
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9 Puppies Rescue

9 Puppies Rescued From A Tied Polybag In Mohali

Recently, nine puppies packed in a polybag have been found abandoned outside a cattle pound in Mohali.  All puppies have been rescued and are being taken care of.

Pardeep Kumar, supervisor of Gauri Shankar Sewa Dal managing the cattle pound in Mohali, said he heard the sound of puppies crying around 12 days back at the gate of the cattle pound.

On checking the bag, Pradeep found nine puppies, seemingly one day old with eyes yet to open, crying due to hunger. He immediately took them inside the pound.

Pradeep said, “Their cries caught my attention, otherwise the poor pups would have died due to asphyxiation. If they had managed to free themselves, they could have been run over by a vehicle. As we all are dedicated to save and serve animals, I brought them inside. From past 12 days, the puppies are being fed and nurtured by us.”

Puppies are under observation of a qualified veterinary doctor and are very healthy and taking feed on their own.

He also said that the puppies will be kept under observation for at least 30 days and then they will motivate people to adopt the pups so that they may get homes.

 Pardeep said that the puppies look like Labrador breed and out of nine, three are female pups. All the pups are off-white in colour and are slowly adapting to the environment at the cattle pound. The supervisor has also made a special enclosure forth.

Reference: The Times Of India

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