Tips to Help a Rescued Dog Adjust to a New Home | DogExpress
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Tips to Help a Rescued Dog Adjust to a New Home

Tips to Help a Rescued Dog Adjust to a New Home

Is your rescued dog having a hard time adjusting to your home? You can help!

Dogs are sensitive and intelligent creatures who need more than your love and care to adjust to a new home.

After you adopt or rescue a dog, you need to do some careful planning and preparation to help your dog adapt to a new environment.

Remember, dog adoption is just the first step! The responsibility and healing begin once you start fostering the dog at your home.

Tips to help a rescued dog adjust to a new home:

1. Be Patient and Flexible

Whether it’s a kid or a dog, you need to be patient and prepare yourself to be flexible and adjust to make the new family member comfortable at your home.

Nurturing a rescue dog requires additional care and effort as most of them may have been neglected, abused, or abandoned. They could have existing medical conditions that may require extra effort from your end.

They may not accept you quickly and may require some time to trust you, feel comfortable, and adjust to the new environment. During the first month, focus on building trust and shower them with lots of love and care.

2. Update your Home up for a Rescue Dog

As for babies, you baby-proof your home. Similarly, when you adopt a rescue dog, you need to plan and update your home to help your new family adjust to the new environment.

Define a place for your pet with food, water, toys, and a bed to show them that it’s their safe space. It will help your dog understand, it’s their space to unwind and relax, but make sure it’s secure with no easy escape routes. Also, have a good leash and harness ready beforehand to take them for walks.

3. Set Rules and Boundaries

Before you think about dog adoption, consider what behavior would be acceptable and what not. For example, you can set rules and train your dog not to jump on couches and beds. You can teach them to not pee on indoor plants and potty train them.

List down some ground rules and gently train your pet to respect those boundaries. Start teaching them as soon as they start trusting you. The train and reward method usually works best for rescue dogs.

Read Also: Adopting a Senior Dog? 5 Questions You Must Ask First

4. Give them Time and Space

Bringing a dog home is easy, but adapting can be challenging for both of you. Don’t get overwhelmed, and give them space in the beginning to adjust and trust you.

The dogs that have been abused may require more time and space than the abandoned ones. Based on their history, you also need to adjust your expectations.

Bringing a dog home is a joyful experience for both but have patience till they feel comfortable at your place. If you have any questions, comment below.

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