Lucknow Man Builds A Drone To Rescue A Drowning Puppy | DogExpress
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Drone To Rescue A Drowning Puppy

Lucknow Man Builds A Drone To Rescue A Drowning Puppy

A 27 year-old man, Milind Raj built a drone that helped rescue a drowning puppy from a drain in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow.   

The incident took place last month, he was out for his usual morning walk when he heard a dog whimper. He traced the source of the distressed cries of a puppy trapped inside a drain. According to him, the puppy may have been stranded there for two days.

Puppy drone rescue

Mr Raj, who claims a keen interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI), says he builds robots for a living and returned to his lab to see how he could help the dog. The solution, he said, was an AI-controlled robotic arm attached to a giant drone.

“The drain was so filthy, it was like a bog. It was not possible for a human to rescue the puppy without endangering their own life, so I decided to put technology to the task. I decided to use the AI-controlled robotic arm because it has a smart heartbeat sensor. Attached to the drone, I knew it would be risky but may work,” Mr.Raj said.

He said that he returned to the open drain about 6 hours later and sent the improvised aerial vehicle to do its job – controlling the drone carefully from outside.

drown puppy rescue

“The AI helped me monitor the puppy’s heart rate, If the grip was too tight, the pup would suffocate,” he said.

A video shows the puppy mid-air in the clutches of the robotic arm. Using the drone, Mr Raj flies the puppy across the road, before releasing the grip of the robotic arm.

“When it was on the ground, it vomited plastic including paan masala packets that people had carelessly tossed into the drain,” Mr Raj claimed.

The woman who shot the video said she happened to be walking past when she saw the unusual sight of a puppy being lifted in the air by a drone.

Shubhra Kal said, “I stopped when I saw the puppy in the air. I started filming when I realised how strange the sight was.

Watch the video below

Reference: NDTV

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