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15 Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers are small, energetic, friendly dogs. They can be fun if appropriately treated, but they can be loud and moody when annoyed.

Yorkshire Terriers are small, intelligent, bold dogs perfect for small houses. However, do not let the size fool you. Petting these dogs can be troublesome if you do not know their traits and do not put them right.

Experienced Yorkshire owners know it can be difficult initially, but once you have the basics, you will love your new pet.

Origin and Physical Traits of Yorkshire Terriers

The history of the Yorkshire terrier suggests that the dog originated in Yorkshire, England. Several Scottish settlers came to Yorkshire and brought a few variants of terriers in the 19th century. These dogs were bred in Yorkshire, and several other terrier breeds grew there.

The breeds that came out were named Paisley terrier, Scottish terrier, and many others. But since they grew up in Yorkshire, the names changed to Yorkshire Terriers or Yorkies.

These dogs are the smallest of all terrier species. They have a long fur coat surrounding their body. The fur is glossy, colorful, and has a smooth texture. On average, they weigh about 3.2 kg, and their height is around 8 to 9 inches.

15 Things You Need to Know Before Getting a Yorkshire Terrier

Things Only a Yorkshire Terrier Owners Understand

1. Yorkies Are Very Active

Dogs, in general, are very active; they love to go on walks and love to play, but Yorkshire Terriers are twice as active as any other dogs.

They are small in size, so they love to jump around the house and play with their owners. It would be best if you took them out every day so that they can run around and enjoy themselves. Otherwise, they will start getting gloomy and upset.

2. Feeding Time for Yorkshire Terriers

You need to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet for your Yorkies. They might be small, but they need a lot of protein. They need frequent meals to maintain their blood sugar.

Young puppies of about three months need to be free-fed, meaning you must always provide them with fresh food near them. Please ensure you throw out the old food and sometimes replace it with fresh food.

Puppies older than three months need to be fed by following a schedule. You must provide them 3 to 4 times a day. The best routine would be to feed them in the morning, noon, early evening, and two hours after the evening.

3. They Are Great for Small Places

Keeping them is very easy, even if you have a small apartment. Even if they are active and run around everywhere, the small space in your apartment will be enough to play with them and even train them.

Have some small toys in your apartment, and they will remain busy with the toys. However, these energetic pups might still break small household items sometimes.

4. They Love to Get Dressed

Yorkshire Terriers are fancy dogs and love to get dressed. Because of this, they are ubiquitous in dog shows. People dress them up with accessories like hair clips, sunglasses, hair bands, fancy collars, dog hoodies, jewelry, and many other items. The Yorkshire Terriers seem to enjoy wearing these items as well.

5. They Can Get Moody

This is a pattern in all small dog species. Chihuahuas, Bichon Frises, and Pomeranians are small dogs that can get grumpy and throw tantrums occasionally.

Yorkshire Terriers are no different. They will growl at dogs two to three times bigger than their size, and if they do not like something, they will bark at their keepers as well. They are prideful dogs and love to stand up for themselves.

6. They Get Along With Kids

Although this is not an innate habit, they will be friendly with kids if you train them properly. They will be playful around them and cuddle with them. Sometimes, the Yorkie gets a bit moody and howls at the babies.

Apart from those one or two incidents, they get along with little kids just fine. But even if they are friendly, you should not keep them unsupervised with toddlers.

Things Only a Yorkshire Terrier Owners Understand

7. Potty Training Can Be Difficult

Potty training is crucial for keeping dogs. And training a Yorkshire terrier can be difficult. One excellent method for potty training is crate training.

Crate training is a method of taking advantage of your dog’s comfort zone. You have to make the potty place of your dog comfortable. So, whenever they need to poop, they will go to the designated potty area by themselves. Train them with love and care, and try not to scold them for their mistakes.

8. Their Hair is Similar to Human Hair

Yorkshire Terriers are hairy, fluffy dogs covered in a long fur coat. Their hair is very much similar to human hair. This means you can take care of their hair the same way you take care of your hair.

The hair must be brushed regularly and shampooed at least twice weekly. Keeping the hair short is wise if they are not going on dog shows. Unless you are very good at cutting dog hair, it is better to call for a professional.

9. Their Teeth Are Prone To Diseases

Oral diseases are prevalent in dogs. Like other dogs, the most common sickness in Yorkshire Terriers is dental sickness, such as Tartar build-up on the teeth gum infection, and if they are not treated soon, their teeth will start falling off.

Untreated dental problems can shorten the lifespan of your Yorkshire terrier by one to three years. If you see dark spots in the teeth of your Yorkshire terrier, get them checked and treated as soon as possible. Take them to the vet at least twice a year for routine checkups.

10. They Are Very Nimble

They love to move around a lot but also to be silent sometimes. They will walk around the house slowly with nimble footsteps, almost like a cat.

They do that to get the attention of their keepers or to behave a little too sassy. If you have a cat and a Yorkshire terrier in your house, you may need clarification about which.

11. They Can Get Scared Easily

Even though they are prideful animals who will always stand up for themselves, they can get scared. But because of their prideful nature, they will never show fear.

Instead, they will start to shake, and their feet will tremble. So, if you see your Yorkie shaking as they look at something, move them away immediately or try to comfort them.

12. They are Like Little Human Babies

Just like little human babies, Yorkshire Terriers must always be pampered. You will need to carry them in your arms wherever you go. They will sleep for long hours and throw tantrums when they do not get food.

Just like babies, they also love to make a mess of things. So do not be surprised if you see your bedsheets wrinkled and scrambled.

How is the Yorkie as a companionship dog

13. Bathing Them Can be Hilarious

Yorkies are covered in a long fur coat but hide their small and fragile bodies. You would not usually see their small body because of all the fluffy hair, but their hair settles in, and their skinny, small body becomes visible when you bathe them.

It truly is a funny experience when you bathe them for the first time. They become so petite and skinny that you might confuse them with a giant sewer rat.

14. Their Barking Can Get Annoying

Yorkshire Terriers bark at a very high pitch, and their barks get very loud. They bark at the most minor things. They even bark at themselves when they are in front of the mirror.

Every Yorkie owner has felt highly annoyed at their Yorkies because of their continuous loud barks.

15. Hear Jokes about Yorkies

For those new to keeping a Yorkshire terrier, be sure to hear jokes about your Yorkie from other dog owners. Every Yorkshire terrier owner has gone through this.

They will constantly hear jokes like, “Is that a Yorkie or an Ewok?” The jokes will eventually get annoying and boring. So, practicing your fake laugh around these annoying jokes would be best.

Final Thoughts

Yorkshire Terriers are small, funny dogs that can be fantastic companions if trained well. You will experience many things from this small, moody, yet cuddly little dog you will never get from any other dog breed.

Yorkshire Terriers are small, intelligent, bold dogs perfect for tiny houses. However, do not let the size fool you. Petting these dogs can be troublesome if you do not know their traits and do not put them right.


Q: Are Yorkshire Terriers suitable for first-time dog owners?

A: Yes, Yorkies can be suitable for first-time owners with proper training and attention.

Q: How much exercise do Yorkshire Terriers need daily?

A: Yorkies have moderate exercise needs, requiring around 30 minutes of daily activity.

Q: Are Yorkshire Terriers good with children and other pets?

A: With early socialization, Yorkies can get along well with kids and other pets in the household.

Q: What is the typical lifespan of a Yorkshire Terrier?

A: Yorkies generally live between 12 to 15 years, provided they receive proper care and nutrition.

Q: How should I groom a Yorkshire Terrier’s coat?

A: Regular brushing, monthly baths, and professional grooming are essential to maintain a Yorkie’s coat health.

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