How to Prevent your Dog from Dehydrating? | DogExpress
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Dehydration in Dogs

How to Prevent your Dog from Dehydrating?

Dehydration can cause many serious medical conditions for your dog. And the most dangerous thing about the dogs’ dehydration is that it may start without any specific symptom, which makes it approximately uncontrollable. So, all the dog keepers should try to prevent it from using all the necessary precautions.

How Do You Rehydrate a Dog?

Dog’s Diet is Important

Everybody knows that obese dogs with a low level of physical activity and overweight are more likely to experience dehydration, especially in summer. No need to tell that you always have to keep your dog fit to avoid the occurrence of any health problems.

That’s why if you notice the first signs of obesity, try to change the dog’s diet into a healthier one. Vegetables, rich in fiber, will be the best alternative to dry foods if your dog prefers to eat this kind of ready-made food.

So, try combining the ordinary dry food with some vegetable super-chef-style dog dishes recipes you can find on the Internet.

Vegetables are also a good source of humidity, so if your dog doesn’t like to drink much water veggies will help him keep a healthy water balance.

Many dog keepers ask how to calculate the necessary amount of daily water intake for their dogs. There are several formulas, but one of the most populated ones says that a healthy dog should drink as much as an ounce of water per pound of body weight.

So, again, if your dog prefers eating dry foods, he will probably drink more water than the one that prefers moisturized food.

But in general, a responsible dog keeper must monitor daily water intake, and if your Boerboel drinks less water than your kitty, it’s time to analyze what is wrong.

Avoid Dehydration during the Dog’s Physical Activities

Taking your dog for a walk, always keep some bootlegs of water with you to avoid dehydration. After active games and other heavy physical activities, your dog might get thirsty very soon, so be on the lookout, let your dog drink in time or shower your dog a bit to help the extra heat release of the body through the skin. It’s useful and funny at the same time, and your dog will certainly enjoy this kind of water game.

For long walks, choose the shady places, especially if your dog is long-haired, avoid very hot hours, and instead of extremely hot pavements, take your dog fowl a walk in the park, where you can play and sit on the grass. Some types of pavements are made of bitumen, which is not heat-resistant, and your dog might find it difficult and uncomfortable to walk on it.

So check the temperature of the pavement before planning a long walk on it. Dog paws are very sensitive to hot surfaces. That’s why to avoid overheating and further dehydration, minimize the time of contact with such surfaces.

Dogs feel the heat through the skin on their paws more than through their hair. Combine active games with moments of rest when you take your dog outdoors. Heavy physical activities will make your dog thirsty and tired on the hot summer days.

Dog from Dehydrate

The Outdoor and Indoor Temperature Really Matters

Many dog keepers think that dehydration may happen only in summer. But it’s necessary to know that cold and heat both cause dehydration, as both of these weather conditions affect the water balance in your dog’s body. Another thing which is very important to control is the conditions and especially the air temperature in your house.

During the summer months, use a conditioner or a fan, because your dog, whether his hair is long or short, may get hot and acquire more water to quench the thirst.

Many dogs are not that water drinkers, so they can constantly experience a slight form of dehydration. In this case, a dog may look annoyed and indifferent to food and games. The floor covering type also matters.

The tiled floor is very nice to lie on during the hot summer days, but it’s good to have a couple of special warm mats in your house for the winter, as your dog might find it uncomfortable to lie on a cold surface. Floor heating might affect the temperature of the water in your dog’s bowl and make it unpleasant to drink.

For these cases, choose a bowl with a long stand. It will help avoid unneeded overheating of the dog’s water. Change the water frequently, don’t let it get stagnated.

Choose a Proper Water Bowl

Most of the dogs are sensitive to the shape, size, and design of the bowls, so the bowl itself may affect the water intake of your dog and his attitude to drinking water in general. To avoid dehydration, your dog must have full constant access to water.

If the house is big, it’s good to place a couple of bowls with water for your dog, especially in summer. Besides, choose the dog accessories your dog will like instead of buying a bowl to set it with your house decoration. Short-leg dogs need water bowls with lower sides.

Sometimes small dogs like to eat and drink from larger bowls, so to avoid any kind of subjectivity, ask your dog or take him with you to the pet shop.

If you see your dog drinking less water than he needs, be more creative, and make the house more equipped for your beloved friend. Dog steps for a bed, if your cutie has short legs, or a stylish dog toothbrush may be the best present for your pet. But a dog water fountain will certainly become a unique solution for your house.

If you’re always out of home and find it hard to change the water in your dog’s bowl on time, dog self-serve water fountains are exactly what you need. The water in the bowl is always fresh, and your pet will really enjoy playing with a fresh stream any time he gets thirsty.

So drinking water will be more engaging for him. If you live in a big house with a yard, it’s good to have an outdoor dog water fountain too.

Of course, you can construct it yourself, if you’re fond of DIY ideas. But a ready-made one will certainly fit the needs of those dog keepers who prefer not to spend much time in their garage.

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