Reasons Why You Should Let Your Dog Sniff a Lot During Walks
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Reasons Why You Should Let Your Dog Sniff a Lot During Walks

Reasons Why You Should Let Your Dog Sniff a Lot During Walks

We have been through that situation where it is dark, windy, and cold, and we are outside with our dogs, wondering if all they need is a potty break before we head back inside. It is when they start sniffing a lot, and we start to wonder why they are doing it.

Dog experts say that rather than checking the sights and enjoying the view, for any dog, the fundamental way of finding joy in and experiencing the world around them comes from sniffing their surroundings.

For dogs, the smell is everything. So, why must we let our dogs sniff a lot when they are out on walks?

Dog experts say that just like we people like to scroll our phones for news and social media, the brains of a dog use smelling as a seeking system that lets them engage their brains.

Your dog has an extraordinary sense of smell.

According to an estimation, the sense of smell of a dog is anywhere between 10,000 and 100,000 times stronger than that of humans. To put this into context, scientists say that dogs can smell a teaspoon of sugar even if you dilute it into a million gallons of water.

It means two swimming pools big enough to be used in the Olympics. Humans depend on their canine pets’ ability to smell in life-and death-situations. It includes disease detection and search and rescue operations.

The thing an average couch-loving pup has is smelling superpowers!

Not Letting Them Sniff

Should you let your dog sniff on walks?

The answer to this question is a yes and an absolute one! Dog experts say that when we let dogs sniff on walks, we improve their mental health vastly. This is because it provides them with endless amounts of data that their minds can process. They think through these maps.

It allows them to narrate the past, such as who has been there, and discover all that is decaying underneath the ground. They can also sniff the wind and get an idea of what might happen next over there.

They can tell the future in their minds as what or who might be approaching and determine where they would be going. This way, dogs gain information about the findings they are about to make even before reaching their destination.

Planning a sniff walk 

Dog experts say you can think of a sniff walk as walking engages and exercise their brains and bodies. The process of a sniff walk is similar to usual walking. The added exception is you are letting your dog slow down and smell the roses, grass patch, bushes, fire hydrant, and everything around them.

The thing with most dog parents is that they are only sometimes inclined to laze around while walking their dogs. However, dog experts say they must build the patience to let the dogs sniff at their pleasure.

Experts say that instead of pulling our dogs along, we should let them move at a pace more comfortable for them.

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So, how long should you let them sniff while on walks?

The answer to this question would be to let them do it as long as they want to. There is no specific guideline in this case as such. However, dog experts recommend it should be between 30 and 60 minutes. If you cannot manage that, even if you let them do it over two periods of 15 minutes each day, it should be good enough for them.

So, when you take them out to pee, spend time with them for a few additional minutes after they complete their business so that they can explore as many scents as possible.

It provides them with an opportunity to use their smelling abilities 

We have already given you some statistics of how stronger your pup’s nose is compared to yours. For dogs, their nose plays a significant role in them being able to communicate, evaluate, and explore. When dogs sniff an area, they learn about the other dogs; who were there before them and the kind of mood they were in then.

Slowing the dog walks down to give them more choices

As a pet parent, you may assume that a longer, faster walk is the best option for tiring out your naughty one. On the contrary, if you choose a peaceful route with non-road surfaces such as grass, have your dog on a long leash, and let them follow their noses, you would provide a much more beneficial experience.

Why is sniffing important for dogs?

Whenever we limit the sniffing options of our dogs, their enjoyment of the world and their daily well-being suffer. It means their socialization, behavior, and training progress needs to be improved. It has a significant effect on their overall happiness as well.

Dog experts say that when we allow them to sniff around, we help them create pathways in their brains. It relaxes them and lets them be what they are – dogs. Hence, sniffing is essential for our dogs; we must make time for that.

How to start a dog walking business

It provides them with mental stimulation. 

It is especially beneficial for dogs who are getting on in years. Some dogs, especially when they grow old, prefer walking slowly and thus investigate the scents around them.

If your baby is suffering from hearing and sight loss or undergoing a cognitive decline in any other form, you need to take them on a slow walk with you and give them much time when they can sniff around. It would help them stay mentally stimulated. When most dogs get older, they get motivated to sniff around.

It helps them feel free. 

When a pet dog sniffs around at a pace they like, it helps them feel confident – they know that dogs can rely on themselves. In addition, it helps stave off issues like stress, depression, and anxiety that can otherwise build up in your dog.

Dogs depend on us for a place they can call home and the food they eat daily. However, such an arrangement comes with much confinement in the form of leashes and fences.


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Q: Is sniffing a good exercise for dogs?

A: Sniffing works your dog’s brain like any other. Since a large portion of your dog’s brain is dedicated to smelling, sniffing acts as a great way to give your dog’s brain the workout they need.

Q: What is the importance of dog sniffing?

A: A dog’s smelling sense is called its superpower. As such, when it is a part of daily routine, it helps identify what is happening in the environment.

Q: Are ten minutes of sniffing beneficial to your dogs?

A: Yes, even a short spell of 10-15 minutes where a dog can walk and sniff around at a pace that they are comfortable with can be such an enjoyable experience for them.

Q: Is it better for dogs to sniff or walk?

A: Sniffing is always better while walking because it helps stimulate the brains of your canine. When your dogs can sniff, it helps them burn tons of energy.

Q: Is sniffing better for a dog than walking?

A: Even 20 minutes of sniffing a day are equal to walking an hour for a dog as far as enrichment for your pup is concerned.


So, as you can see for yourself, when you take your dog out for sniff walks, it relaxes them, and you let them take the lead as well. Dogs use their noses to explore the world around them. According to medical science, the part of a dog’s brain that analyses smell is 40 times bigger than ours.

It is a reason why dogs can notice, appreciate, and understand the smells they come across that we humans, with our limited abilities of scent, can barely comprehend. Exploring and smelling a dog gains information on new places but relieves stress and anxiety.

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