Rhodesian Ridgeback | DogExpress
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Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Navy SEAL of all dog breeds!

Country of Origin: Zimbabwe

Dog Group: Hound

Origin of Name: The Rhodesian Ridgeback gets its name from the ridge that runs down its spine. The hair runs in the opposite direction as compared to the rest of the coat on the body giving it an appearance of a ridge.


A bit low

Monthly keeping cost




Tendency to Bark:

Very High

Breed Info

Life Span-11 to 12 years


About Rhodesian Ridgeback :
If there is a breed that can stare death in the eye and still gallantly stand up to give it a fight then it is the Rhodesian Ridgeback. This is an extraordinary breed that can pin down a lion as well if it wants. They are strong enough to run and fight a lion and there vast reserves of stamina ensure that they can accompany a running horse for about 30miles without taking a break.

The grooming is a breeze with a Rhodesian Ridgeback and their adaptability to varied temperatures makes it easy to for them to adapt to almost any environment the only thing that has to be kept in mind is that this is not an apartment dog.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback was bred by interbreeding various dogs such as the Mastiff, Greyhound, Terriers, Bloodhound with the Hot and Tod dog, which was an indigenous African dog. This dog was developed by the Boer farmers in Africa who could survive extreme temperatures and survive on low rations as well. They could protect the property as well as be a companion to the whole family.

The first thing that you would notice about a Rhodesian Ridgeback is the ridge, which is one of the most prominent features of the breed. The ridge is created because the hair on the spine runs in the opposite direction as compared to the rest of the coat on this breed. The ridge gives the appearance that the breed is always in aggression or ready for combat.

The Rhodesian has large and compact feet when compared to other breeds and comes with arched toes. This allows them to run for long hours and prevents them from all kind of wear and tear that can be endured with regular runs and heavy physical work. The feet also helps to withstand adverse temperature of the African plains were they were developed.


Visits to Groomer-Low



Tolerance to heat-Basks in it

Tolerance to cold-Need warmth

Exercise Requirement-Lots

Hair & Coat

Under Coat-No

Colour-light wheaten/red wheaten/red

Coat Type-Short and dense

Hair Length-Short

Hair Density-Dense


The Rhodesian Ridgebacks are generally a healthy breed but you have to remember when getting a puppy home that almost all and every breed can at any time develop genetic disorder and they can also contract any of the common diseases.

Dermoid Sinus

Hip dysplasia


Elbow dysplasia


The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a strong willed dog. They will need regular training to ensure that they listen to you and see you as a pack leader. So, this is definitely not for the faint heart. This is one of the most independent and courageous dog that you can find and they can be an excellent protector for your family. Rhodesian is a great dog for families and individuals that like to run. They would love to be your allies in your expedition and running endeavors as they do not get tired easily.

Rhodesians are not friendly to strangers and remain mostly aloof towards them.

Training & Intelligence
Ridgeback has a stubborn streak that can make training a little difficult. You have to be persistence with this breed to ensure that it grows up to be a well-rounded dog. This does not mean that they are not trainable. The approach has to be different with your Ridgeback though; they need firm training and always require positive reinforcement. It is very important to establish who the leader of the pack with this breed is.

Litter Size-5 to 7 puppies (approximately)

Complication in Breeding-No

A dog takes around 18 months to reach his or her full height and structure. It is advisable to breed your dogs after at least two years of age. If you are a first timer at breeding then taking a vet’s help is advisable. You just sit back and enjoy the company of six to eight adorable little puppies. An average litter size of the breed. You have to keep in mind that there are some puppies that are born without a prominent ridge also.

Dog Breeds Database Reference: Dogbreedinfo.com, dogtime.com, dogspot.in, akc.org.

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