Saluki | DogExpress
Monday , September 30 2024
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This breed was precious enough to be mummified!

Country of Origin: Egypt

Dog Group: Hound

Origin of Name: Salukis probably get their name from the ancient Yemenite city of Saluk or from the Syrian city of Seleukia. It is also believed that the name is a transliteration of the Arabic word for hound. Arabs, the original breeders of this dog, called them’ El Hor’ or ‘The Noble’, a fitting description for this dignified dog. Salukis also used to be known as the Persian Greyhound or the gazelle hound.


A bit high

Monthly keeping cost




Tendency to Bark:

Very Low

Breed Info

Life Span-13 to 14 years


About Saluki:
Salukis embody grace and speed. They were originally bred for strength and endurance, as made evident by their long, narrow heads and sleek, muscular bodies. Salukis are beautiful, graceful dogs that are affectionate yet reserved. They may not be over demonstrative, but don’t let that fool you; they are full of poise and understated affection for their family. While they are widely admired for their exotic, regal looks and demeanor, these dogs are not meant for everyone.

Recent genetic evidence confirms the long-held belief that Salukis are amongst the most ancient breeds that continue to exist. Depictions of dogs greatly resembling Salukis appear on Egyptian tombs that date back 4,000 years. There are even older Sumerian carvings that show Saluki-like dogs that date back to 7,000-6,000 BCE. Salukis worked in partnership with falcons to hunt gazelles for Egyptian Pharaohs. Although some Muslims believe dogs to be unclean, Salukis were considered to be gifts from Allah and honored with the title ‘El Hor’, which means ‘The Noble’.

Salukis love to run. They need plenty of exercise and outdoors time, and do not make good apartment dogs. This breed is definitely not a good match for a couch potato. Keeping them on a leash when outdoors is a must.They have bony, skinny bodies and it’s important to ensure that they always have soft bedding, to prevent sores. Because they thrive in human company, Salukis cannot be expected to be only outdoor dogs. Bereft of human company, they can easily get depressed.

They love the company of other Salukis, but with good early socialization, they do well with most other animal companions as well. Be especially careful if you live with hamsters or rabbit; Salukis are hunters so they might inadvertently think you’ve given them game to hunt and no other companions!


Visits to Groomer-Low



Tolerance to heat- Basks in

Tolerance to cold-Need warmth

Exercise Requirement-Lots

Hair & Coat

Under Coat-Yes


Coat Type-Smooth and feathered

Hair Length-Flowing

Hair Density-Dense







Mental dullness

Drooping eyelids

Low energy levels

Irregular heat cycles


Your Saluki is a good pet for your family but you have to remember that they were bred to run and hunt for hares and gazelles, so they will not stop to take commands or direction from humans. This breed will not need validation from humans. If you have other smaller pets in your house then ensure that you socialize them early.

These pets are good with children but it can be a problem with younger children as they might not know how to approach the dog. Along with this they are not playful enough to satisfy a child.

Training & Intelligence
Salukis are very intelligent, and eager to please. Training them isn’t too demanding, except for that one little word that constitutes their name. Teach them their name early and work hard to get them to come back to you when you call them, because these hunters can be obstinate about your presence, when there is something to hunt or follow. They are not difficult to housetrain, since they are particular about hygiene themselves.These shy dogs need to be socialized all their lives, but start early.

Litter Size-6 to 9 puppies (approximately)

Complication in Breeding-No

Salukis are generally a very healthy breed and there are not many complications attached to its breeding. However, because of their sensitivity to anesthesia, Saluki mothers might be in trouble, in the event of a C-section. With any breed, it is best to consider mating your dog’s once he or she is at least two years old. Interview the families and know for sure that the little Salukis are in good hands for the rest of their lives.

Dog Breeds Database Reference:,,,

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