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11 Best Dog Breeds from Russia with Pictures
Russian Spaniel

11 Best Dog Breeds from Russia with Pictures

Russia is the biggest country in the world in terms of the area that it covers. However, less than 2% of the global population lives over there. Half of the country is capped in forests, and the region known as Siberia – with its freezing temperatures for most of the year – takes up more than half of it.

Canine inhabitants of the country were bred to withstand harsher terrains and cold temperatures. It is a significant reason you will see many Russian dog breeds as hard workers.

1. Samoyed 

Samoyed 2

Samoyed have a soft side about them. Samoyeds are known for their trademark smiles. This dog breed hails from Siberia and is named after the Samoyedic people who raised these furry babies so that they could defend them. They also helped their masters hunt and herd animals.

They have fluffy and thick coats combined with their typical smiling visage that could make you think they are begging to get cuddled. However, cuddles are something that they are not strangers to. Experts say that these dogs appreciate the bond they share with their owners.

2. Russian Toy 

Russian Toy

Russian Toy dogs may be small in size, but they are full of playful energy. They were a symbol of prestige for the Russian aristocracy. Russian Toy Club of America says pooches were pampered and quite the socialites. In a sense, they were brought along by their owners to stylish events as a way of showing off one’s status.

During the World Wars, they became extinct as the country focused on breeding working dogs who could be used in the military. However, fortunately enough, there were enough breeders who devoted their attention to these babies at that time.

3. Borzoi 


Borzoi was previously known as Russian Wolfhounds. They are sprinting dogs with long legs and long hair. They were later named Borzoi in keeping with a Russian word that means swift. Hunting wolves was a celebrated sport among the Russian aristocracy, and these bounding dogs were bred to help with such hunts.

Experts say they are large sighthounds built like Greyhounds and have long, silky coats too. They are usually quiet and as quick as cats. Therefore, they found it as easy as they did to catch their prey during those hunts.

4. Siberian Husky 


Siberian Huskies are perhaps the most recognizable dog breed from Russia. They are among the 20 most popular dog breeds in the USA (United States of America) – ranked 16 per AKC (American Kennel Club). Initially, they were bred to pull sleds across the Russian terrain.

They are social dogs and can fit into family life with ease. They still have a storied history – celebrated even now. They have thick double coats, and they always prefer wintry conditions.

5. Russian Spaniel

11 Best Dog Breeds from Russia with Pictures
Russian Spaniel

Many think Russian Spaniels share their lineage with English Springer and Cocker Spaniels. However, they are a rarer breed and are suited naturally to hunting. Russian Spaniel Club says that they are especially remarkable as bird dogs in the following areas:

  • marshes
  • fields
  • wooded areas

It is easy to train them, and they are rather friendly too – also, they do not need much maintenance. As such, they are popular companions among people living in apartments in Russia. AKC has not recognized them officially, but they have continued to become a prominent breed overseas.

6. Black Russian Terrier 

black russian terrier dog

Never let the designation of Terrier confuse you, as AKC recognizes Black Russian Terriers as working dogs. Soviet government bred them to work as service dogs for the military police. They can weigh around 130 pounds. These floofy babies prefer to be with their humans rather than ones that they are not acquainted with – they also always keep an eye out for their family.

Thanks to their history as a working breed, it is likelier that you would find them patrolling the yard rather than resting on the couch.

7. Caucasian Shepherd


Caucasian Shepherds are a giant breed of dogs from Russia that originated in the Caucasus mountain range located in Eastern Europe. Caucasians guarded sheep against predators. It was in the 1920s that the Soviet Union started to breed them so that they could work as prison guard dogs.

Since they are naturally hard workers, they tend to be fierce and fearless with strangers. However, they are kind and devoted to their families. This dog breed has two subdivisions – the mountain type and the Steppe type. The former breed has longer coats and heavier bodies.

8. Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka 

Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka

The breed’s name – Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka – can be translated to Russian colored lapdog and is a suitable description for the breed. They are hypoallergenic dogs who are so wonderful with kids and families. Some of their essential characteristics are enumerated below:

  • playful
  • sweet
  • loving
  • affectionate
  • clever
  • always eager to please

Their origin dates back to the 18th century when they were created as the ideal house pet for people who lived in apartments. They are alert and agile individuals, but if you train them early, they will not develop the habit of constant barking.

9. Karelian Bear Dog

Karelian Bear Dog

Karelian Bear Dogs were initially bred to be aides and companions of peasants in Russia and Finland. They have roots in both guarding and hunting. They were more like Spitz dogs used for hunting large game. Historically they were seen with the following colors on their bodies:

  • red
  • red and gray
  • black and white

These days, however, the ones with black and white colorings are bred. The members of this dog breed we see now have descended from the toughest of canines who were able to survive harsh conditions and fighting.

10. Sulimov 

Sulimov Dog
Soruce: Live Life

Sulimov dogs look like foxes and are a hybrid of jackals and dogs developed by Aeroflot, a Russian airline. These are rare dogs which can be understood from the fact that there are only around 70 of them left now. So, you may think about why an airline needs dogs.

Well, the clearest answer to that would be security, for sure! They are super sniffers and excel at detecting drugs and explosives. In addition, their abilities are so incredible that they can see illnesses like cancer!

11. Yakutian Laika 

Yakutian Laika

Yakutian Laika was initially used for hunting, sledding, and herding in Yakutia, a region in Siberia. It is a working dog breed known for its affectionate and active behavior. Yakuts, the natives of the area, treated them as their family members. It is the reason the breed developed to be so sweet and loyal.

They are devoted to their humans. They are gentle with kids – in practicality, they are not aggressive at all! Their energy level is medium to high, and they love good hikes and bike rides.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the top dog breed in Russia?

A: This list must start with Siberian Huskies. They are the most famous among all the dog breeds in Russia. Their origin dates back to 4000 centuries when they were used as sled dogs by the Chukchi people.

Q: Which is an aggressive dog breed from Russia?

A: Russian Bear Dogs are supposed to be the most aggressive among other dog breeds in Russia. It is especially so when you take a look at their work history.

Q: Which is the strongest dog breed from Russia?

A: The strongest breed of dog from Russia is the Caucasian Shepherd referred to as a bear dog! They can weigh in the region of 225 pounds and are immensely strong!

Q: What is the military dog of Russia?

A: Black Russian Terriers worked as military dogs in Russia. This was done through selective interbreeding of various breeds, such as the following by the Russian military:

  • Rottweilers
  • Giant Schnauzers
  • Airedales

Q: Which dog breed does Russian police use?

A: BRT (Black Russian Terrier) is the dog breed used by Russian police referred to as Sobaka Stalina or Stalin’s dog. Initially, they were bred to work as service dogs in the police and the military.


Russia has several dog breeds that are not only popular in their homeland but also around the world. These breeds are known for their unique characteristics, such as their strength, loyalty, and intelligence, making them ideal for various purposes, including hunting, herding, guarding, and even companion animals. So whether you are looking for a working dog or a loyal companion, these Russian dog breeds are worth considering.

Author Bio

Himani is a dog lover who works for DogExpress. She writes to provide advice and informative articles on everything about dogs, from articles on different breeds to extensive dog food reviews.
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