Essential Facts You Need to Know About Dog Worms
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Worms in Dogs Facts You Want You to Know About Worms in Dogs

Dog Worms: Essential Facts You Need to Know About Worms in Dogs

Your dog may have just given birth to a litter of puppies, or perhaps you are choosing a pup for the first time. In these cases, worms are always a source of concern. You may be worrying if they are born with worms or not. There is no single answer to this question – it can be both yes and no.

It is natural for most puppies to be born with worms. They may also get them when they are drinking their mother’s milk. The thing is that no data offer any percentage in this case. However, vets say that almost all puppies are born with worms.

How common is it for pups to have worms? 

The short answer to this question would be that it is common for pups to have worms. Unfortunately, spelling the number of babies born this way is hard. However, as we have already said, vets say this is more common than not.

Most puppies tend to be born with worms as parasites tend to be passed to them when they are in utero from their moms. They may even get them by drinking their mother’s milk after birth.

In the case of pregnant dogs, the eggs laid by parasites tend to be dormant till they are awakened owing to the pregnancy.

Usually, pregnant dogs not be dewormed. This is why it is common for pups to be born with worms.

There are also several other ways in which a puppy may get worms, such as the following:

  • exposure to the poop of other animals, such as horse manure
  • Tapeworms transmitted via flea bites
  • rolling or walking on contaminated dirt
  • eating contaminated raw dog food
  • eating contaminated dirt
  • eating dead animals such as rats
  • eating the feces of a rodent

How Do You Deworm for Dogs and Puppies?

Ways to know if your dog has worms 

There are some tell-tale signs that your pup has worms in its system. Following are some signs that your little one has had a parasite infection:

  • diarrhea
  • weight loss
  • bloated belly
  • malnourishment
  • vomiting
  • vitamin deficiency – the vitamin D that a dog gets from sunlight should be sufficient for them to be healthy
  • stomach aches
  • weakness and overall fatigue

However, if you are a responsible pet parent deworming your pup is something you must do. It is as usual as walking, training, or playing with them.

You must expect this as soon as you welcome a pup. So, as you can see, it is common for dogs to have worms. Therefore, you must assume they have worms and get them treated regularly for the same.

Read Also: Importance of Deworming in Pet Dogs

What is the right time for dogs to be dewormed?

Most veterinary doctors suggest you start feeding your dog deworming medicines once they are two or three weeks old. Usually, when most people adopt a puppy, they are eight weeks old.

Hence, it is the perfect time to start the deworming treatment. It is better to talk with your vet regarding the deworming treatment. They would recommend the procedure depending on the puppy’s age and for the later stages of its life.

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The types of worms that your pup may get 

Following are the various kinds of dog worms that your puppy may get:

  • roundworm
  • hookworm
  • heartworm
  • tapeworm
  • whipworm

So, as you can see for yourself, it is not just one type of worm you have to worry about. Puppies are susceptible to getting worms, including some of the nastiest ones.

Roundworms are common worms found in dogs. It is specifically true for the variety named Toxascaris leonina. However, the worst among them is the Toxocara canis – the one you need to be worried about the most.

Hookworms tend to be actual bloodsuckers. Heartworm is not as common in pups, but if there is, it can be hard to cure the same. Tapeworm is the worm your puppy will likely be the most familiar with. Finally, the whipworms are so unpleasant that it is extreme.

Do pups die if they have worms?

As a dog parent, you may be worried that it is normal for pups to be born with worms. After all, there is a high chance that your baby will be born sick! It is awful to know, but you need to ask yourself about the exact level of danger.

Your pup may not die in this case since it is in the parasite’s interest to keep your baby alive so that it has a constant source of new life force to drain away and survive.

Heartworm Disease

Treating Worms in Puppies 

Usually, you cannot start treatment before your pup is at least two weeks old. If you are from a breeder, you cannot do so before eight weeks. There are some steps you would have to follow for a deworming schedule.

Your vet would suggest medicine and the recommended dosage for the same. In most cases, deworming medication for pups is available as an oral solution since getting them to swallow pills and tablets can be challenging.

Read Also: How Do You Deworm for Dogs and Puppies?


Parasites are rather strange entities. Pet parents are lucky enough never to see any tapeworm crawling about their pup’s poop. However, the thought of the same is enough to make them shudder.

When you bring them into your life, getting dogs already on a strict deworming regimen is always better. However, if you are getting pups, all the information that we have shared over here might be enough to shock and appall you.

Please accept this as usual and start treating and preventing them immediately.


Q: What are the common types of worms that can affect dogs?

A: The common dog worms include roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms.

Q: How do dogs get infected with worms?

A: Dogs can acquire worm infections through various means, including consuming contaminated food or water, coming into contact with infected feces, or through exposure to fleas and ticks.

Q: What are the symptoms of worm infestation in dogs?

A: Symptoms may include weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, a dull coat, scooting, or visible worms in feces.

Q: How often should I deworm my dog?

A: It is recommended to follow your veterinarian’s advice on the frequency of deworming based on your dog’s lifestyle and risk factors.

Q: Are there preventive measures to protect dogs from worms?

A: Yes, maintaining good hygiene, regular deworming, flea, and tick control, and avoiding exposure to contaminated environments can help prevent worm infestations in dogs.

Q: Can worms in dogs be transmitted to humans?

A: Some dog worms, such as roundworms and hookworms, can be transmitted to humans. Proper hygiene and regular deworming for dogs are essential to reduce the risk.

Q: How are dog worms diagnosed and treated?

A: A veterinarian can diagnose worms through fecal testing. Treatment options include prescription dewormers tailored to the specific type of worm infestation.

Q: Are there any natural remedies to help control worms in dogs?

A: While natural remedies may have some anecdotal benefits, consulting with a veterinarian for appropriate and effective treatment options is essential.

Q: Can I prevent my dog from getting worms by feeding them a specific diet?

A: A balanced and nutritious diet can contribute to overall health, but it alone cannot prevent worm infestations. Regular deworming and preventive measures are essential.

Q: What should I do if I suspect my dog has worms?

A: If you suspect your dog has worms, it is best to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies tailored to your dog’s specific worms

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