Fall Safety Tips for Your Beloved Pets With Happiness Ti
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Fall Safety Tips for Your Beloved Pets Keeping Them Happy and Protected

Fall Safety Tips for Your Beloved Pets: Keeping Them Happy and Protected

Several signs indicate it is time to bid farewell to the hot summers and welcome a new season. It could be a date on the calendar, the fading of nature to gold from green, or a drop-in temperature. However, before you start gorging on that pumpkin spice latte or wearing your coziest sweater, it would be worth taking a moment to examine the autumn season from the point of view of your furball.

After all, there is no fun in a season if our pets fail to enjoy it with us- Is it not? So, here are some tips to keep in mind to keep your pet safe with the onset of the fall season.

Keeping the ticks and fleas away 

The bad thing about the season is that you cannot yet start relaxing when controlling those external parasites. Experts say tick and flea prevention is something you do throughout the year.

Recent studies have shown that fleas may be more active during the winter than you think. Studies even reveal that tick issues remain active as long as temperatures stay over the freezing point and the ground does not get covered in snow or freeze.

Some ticks, like black-legged ones, are identified to transmit Lyme disease and tend to be especially active during the fall season.

Taking care of heartworms 

Heartworm Disease


With ticks and fleas around, fall is not the right time to stop protecting your pet from heartworms. Heartworm prevention kills all microfilaria – heartworm larvae, to be precise – in your pet within a span of the previous 30 days.

Unfortunately, mosquitoes transmit these larvae, and since it is difficult for even experts to predict how long the mosquitoes will survive in a year, they also cannot expect the right time when you can take a break from the heartworm protection of your pet.

Banishing boredom

Change tends to be hard for everyone. That includes your pets as well. When they get used to having your company throughout the day, the house becomes quiet and empty yet again. Experts suggest you soften the transition by devoting time when you play and bonding with your pet before you leave home.

Do this when you return home, provided you get the time to do so. Spend money on food puzzle toys that can keep them occupied while you have to go out for work.

Stopping them from feasting on fall décor 

Your front porch during the fall may be picturesque and thus worthy of being posted up on Pinterest. However, the thing is that what looks like a feast for your eyes may be a challenging prospect for your pets.

ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) says that chrysanthemums such as daisies and mums that look so good on porches are poisonous for both cats and dogs and cause them to suffer from symptoms such as the following:

  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • excessive salivation
  • skin inflammation
  • loss of coordination

Keeping them warm 

dog under a blanket on white

Depending on where you stay, you may find that during the fall season, the temperatures drop rapidly. The thing with bright sunshine is that it can often make it appear warmer than it actually may be. As a result, your pet may feel cold, and you must take steps so their body temperatures remain comfortable and stable.

During the summers, they may spend a lot of time outdoors, but during this season, it would be better to spend indoors, specifically during the late evenings and early mornings.

Be careful about anti-freeze 

If your pet ingests anti-freeze, it could be just as lethal to them as it could be for you. The bad thing with this is that dogs and cats are known to lick this substance that tastes so sweet and is placed at their feet or eye level.

So, please make sure you check your car for leaks and make sure you keep away all the bottles from your pets. It is better to have insurance as it lets you care for your pet in an emergency.

Be careful with the costumes

Some pets love dressing up in costumes and prancing around the home, showing off their new look – they do so around the neighborhood too! If you are looking to make these costumes on your own, you should ensure that you are using non-toxic and pet-friendly materials.

You need to ensure that the costume fits them properly so that it does not interfere with their abilities to perform the following functions:

  • breathing
  • moving
  • going to the bathroom
  • seeing
  • hearing

You must ensure they do not chew any part of the costume.

Stashing the treats away 

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The candy bowl in your home is for the trick-or-treaters – its contents are not meant for your little one. Unfortunately, a lot of popular Halloween treats are poisonous for pets. It includes chocolates in every form – especially for baked and dark chocolate.

They can be extremely dangerous for both cats and dogs. The same also goes for sugar-free candies that contain a sugar substitute named xylitol which can lead to severe issues for your pets. If you think your pet has ingested something poisonous immediately, take them to a vet.

Being careful with rodenticides such as rat poison 

Fall is that time of the year when all rodents, such as mice and rats, start to scurry to find some warmth, and in many cases, it is your home where they make their nests.

So, if you are using rodenticides and mouse traps to counter them, you must be careful. Of course, nobody wants their house infested by rodents, but poisons presently being sold for killing them are harmful to dogs and cats.

Being careful around mushrooms 

It is the season when mushrooms start sprouting everywhere, including your yard and forest floors. Most of these fungi are safe to eat, but others can be immensely poisonous for your dog, and you shouldn’t take any risk.

Make sure that your dog does not end up ingesting them. Supervise them when playing independently. If you are going on hikes and walks with them, keep them close to you by using a leash if necessary.



Animals like snakes, skunks, and bears look for food before hibernating during winter. So, if you live in an area vulnerable to such animals, especially poisonous snakes, you should keep your pet on a leash until it snows. If likewise, if you are walking and stumble into the woods, take advantage of keeping an eye out for them. Also, remember to mind your distance.


Q: How do you keep your pets safe during Halloween?

A: Always take time before Halloween to get your pet accustomed to the costume you would make them wear. If your pet is already wearing any outfit, you must leave them with supervision. Does your pet tend to be wary of strangers? Do they tend to bite? In that case, during the trick-and-treat hours, please keep your pet away from the front door, or provide them with a hiding place where they feel safe. Of course, it is always better to keep them indoors.

Q: How to do Halloween with a dog?

A: You can enjoy Halloween with your pet in so many ways. You can start by picking and playing with some toys that gel well with the event theme. Then, you all could dress up for the event. I’d appreciate it if you could try staging a photoshoot specifically for Halloween. You can give them some Halloween treats that are good for them. If there is a pup parade going on in the locality, you can attend it with them. You can also host a night for spooky movies that all of you could enjoy.

Q: Why pay attention to temperature fluctuations?

A: Fall is the time when the temperature fluctuates significantly. Hence, you must make sure your pet is well-prepared to face it. If you are moving out with your pet and it’s hot outside, you must take enough water. Stay indoors when the weather turns cold or if it’s raining.

Q: Why be wary of evil creatures when fall is around?

A: Fall is the time when hibernating animals become more aggressive. One of the venomous animals is the snake. Many snake bites cases on canines and felines get reported at this time of the year. So, you must be cautious about looking around. You can check it out.

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